Watch Live: President Trump Rally from Montoursville, PA

President Donald Trump exits Air Force One at the Kentucky Air National Guard Base. Photo by Master Sgt. Phil Speck.

President Trump announced via Twitter on Monday that he would be holding a rally from Montoursville, Pennsylvania, Monday evening.

CBS News explains that this will be President Trump’s fifth MAGA rally of 2019.

They go on to say that the President will lend his support to Rep. Fred Keller, who he endorsed earlier via tweet. Keller is “running in a special election Tuesday for the 12th Congressional District.”

The rally also follows a week after former Vice President Joe Biden officially kicked off his Presidential campaign in Philadelphia.

The rally is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. eastern.

Live Feed 1 CBSN.

Live Feed 2 NBC News.

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About Tiff 2934 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.