Trump Tweets Open Thread Friday

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s finally Friday!

The President has tweeted 9 times, deleted 2, giving him a total of 7 tweets so far for Friday.

On May 17th, 2017 Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein, acting as Attorney General, given AG Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russian investigation, announced the appointment of a Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.

Rosenstein ordered Mueller to:

  • The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
May 2017 appointment order.

Mueller testified before both House Committees that the Steele Dossier, was not in his “purview” and was being investigated by others.

Deleted Tweet.

According to his website Gianno Caldwell is a Fox News political analyst.

Real Clear Politics has the average general election poll numbers between President Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden, at 49.6 percent to Biden, and 41.1 percent to President Trump.

As the News Blender reported on Thursday over the course of Wednesday Night, and Thursday morning President Trump promoted Fox News 12 times.

The National Security concerns the President is referencing stem from comments made by President Trump supporter and donor, Peter Thiel.

Thiel has accused Google of committing treason, and asked that the FBI and CIA, make sure Google hasn’t been taken over by Chinese Military spies.

Deleted Tweet.

CNBC News reports that Apple was seeking a tariff wavier on some parts the company uses for the new Mac Pro, “including a power supply unit, the stainless-steel enclosure, finished mice and trackpads and circuit boards.”

According to the tech companies filing “there are no other sources for this proprietary Apple-designed component.”

The new Mac Pro, replaces an older model that was built in Texas.

Apple declined to comment on the President’s tweeted announcement.

It took President Trump over an hour to replace “wavers” with “waivers.”

The Wall Street Journal reports that Gross domestic product (GDP), the broad measure of goods and services, rose at a 2.1 percent annual rate for the second quarter according to the Commerce Department.

Consumer spending rose “at an inflation-adjusted, annualized rate of 4.3% in the second quarter, accelerating from the first quarter when it rose 1.1% and marking the strongest pace of growth since late 2017.”

While consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of the economy rose, business investment fell at a 0.6 percent rate, compared to the 4.4 percent rise in the first quarter.

For more on the GDP report @ Bureau of Economic Analysis (bea).

In the there is always a tweet file…

July 10th, the U.S., in response to France’s planned Digital Service Tax, announced that the U.S. Trade Representative opened an investigation into the tax, saying at the time that the new tax on tech companies unfairly targets U.S. based companies such as Google and Amazon.

U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer said in a statement that, “The United States is very concerned that the digital services tax which is expected to pass the French Senate tomorrow unfairly targets American companies. The President has directed that we investigate the effects of this legislation and determine whether it is discriminatory or unreasonable and burdens or restricts United States commerce.”

July 11th, BBC News reported that as expected the 3 percent digital tax that would apply to “any digital company with revenue of more than €750m ($850m; £670m) – of which at least €25m is generated in France – would be subject to the levy,” passed the French Senate.

Bloomberg Tax reported on Thursday that a French tech industry lobbying, ASIC, whose members includes, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, “will file complaints against the tax with the European Commission in the next few days, the group’s head, Giuseppe de Martino, said July 25.”

The law was signed into law on July 24th, put on the official gazette, July 25th.

This post maybe updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.