Trump Tweets During His Reign

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday.

President Trump has tweeted 6 times so far, and re-tweeted twice.

In light of the mass shootings in both El Paso, and Dayton, former President Obama offered a statement via Twitter, on Monday afternoon.

In his statement he called for gun law changes, compared white supremacists who commit violent acts to followers of ISIS, and urged Americans to reject racist language coming from the mouths of leaders.

Former President Obama’s statement 8/5/19

Obama did not mention names of either Republicans or Democrats.


Reign is what Kings and Queens have, President’s have Terms.

Pro-tip if you do not want to be called a racist, stop acting like a racist.

For example: And I am the least racist person. Black, Hispanic and Asian Unemployment is the lowest (BEST) in the history of the United States!

While I do not personally feel this in and of itself is racist, it does dance on the line, and as tensions escalate as they have over the last few years, this type of “you minorities should be grateful to me for having a job,” is unacceptable.

The tweets regarding Google, are a result of a Fox Business show segment that discusses a guest that appeared on Fox & Friends, Kevin Cernekee, a fired Google engineer who has accused Google of bias against President Trump, and working to make sure, he loses in 2020, by controlling the flow of information.

In the second clip Fox Business show host Lou Dobbs and his guest Peter Schweizer continue to discuss the fired Google engineer’s accusation of bias, and controlling the flow of information.


If it’s true that Google pushed positive pro-Hillary stories, and pushed negative ones of President Trump, there is nothing illegal about it.

Google is not the only search engine, they are a private business, which means, it’s up to us, the consumer, to police Google, not in fact a job for the Federal Government.

Irony Alert.

According to President Trump and Fox News, Google trying or attempting to interfere with the election or elections is “All very illegal” but they are totally call with listening to a foreign government’s dirt on his opponent, where he may or may not notify the FBI after he hears what the foreign government has to say.

On Monday Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, “under the auspices of President Trump, has today determined that China is a Currency Manipulator.”

Based on his determination that China is a currency manipulator, Mnuchin in a statement explained he “will engage with the International Monetary Fund to eliminate the unfair competitive advantage created by China’s latest actions.”

Last week President Trump, after a briefing with Mnuchin, who had just returned from renewed trade talks with China, tweeted his intention to slap another tariff on China, at 10 percent, the products affected include, toys, and smartphones.

CNBC News reported on Tuesday that China’s central bank has firmly rejected the U.S. labeling them a currency manipulator.

The United States disregards the facts and unreasonably affixes China with the label of ‘currency manipulators,’ which is a behavior that harms others and oneself. The Chinese side firmly opposes this.

PBOC statement via CNBC News.

The PBOC also accused the U.S. of undermining the international monetary system. Adding that they advise the U.S., to return to a more rational correct track.

This unilateral act of the United States also undermines the global multilateral consensus on exchange rate issues and has a serious negative impact on the stable operation of the international monetary system. The Chinese side advises the U.S. to leap over the cliffs and return to the correct track of rationality.”

PBOC statement via CNBC News.

Reuters reports that on Tuesday the Chinese Commerce Ministry said that Chinese companies have stopped buying U.S. agricultural products.

They have also threatened to impose additional tariffs on U.S. Farm products.

Zippy Duvall, the American Farm Bureau Federation President issued a statement, calling the move by China a “body blow,” to farmers, he added, “thousands of farmers and ranchers who are already struggling to get by.”

Duvall went on in his statement to say that while farmers are grateful to the “Market Facilitation Program payments,” they realize the aid cannot last forever, and urge negotiators to redouble their efforts to reach a deal.

Duvall also notes that according to Farm Bureau economists exports to China were down by “$1.3 billion during the first half of the year. Now, we stand to lose all of what was a $9.1 billion market in 2018, which was down sharply from the $19.5 billion U.S. farmers exported to China in 2017.”

The President re-tweeted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), two times.

One was McConnell’s D-Day post from June 6th, the other was McConnell’s statement of support regarding the President’s statement from Monday which urged a bipartisan solution to address mass shootings.

This post will be updated. 

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.