TNB Night Owl – Ponies: The Galloping

My Little Pony booth at San Diego ComicCon 2018, photo by Gage Skidmore

Just because a parent company owns two properties doesn’t mean those properties should have anything to do with each other. The latest evidence of this comes from Hasbro, the owners of both the ubiquitous My Little Pony children’s toy line and Wizards of the Coast, the game company behind the innovative Magic: the Gathering collectible card game.

Crossing over the pair is akin to Disney mixing Muppets with Star Wars. (Wait a minute… Yoda. I need a new analogy.) It’s akin to Disney mixing their kid’s cartoons with Marvel. (Wait another minute… there was an hour-long Phineas and Ferb meet Marvel Super Heroes episode. Wow, Disney is good at self-promotion.)

Anyway, Hasbro has decided to cross their two successful product lines, creating Ponies: The Galloping.

It was announced today. While on the surface, the toy and game lines should not cross (though there was already an attempt to market a My Little Pony collectible card game), this time there’s a very good reason to make an exception. It’s for charity.

Not just any charity, either. The money – or at least 60% of it – goes to a children’s hospital in Seattle.

Priced at a steep $50 and limited to sale between October 22nd and November 2, the three-card set is arranged both to celebrate the end of the long-running cartoon series Friendship is Magic and bring attention to the Extra Life gaming charity.

The set is designed to be fully playable in M:tG games, though not legal for tournament play. It features three characters from the show: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Nightmare Moon.

Question of the night: What’s one of your favorite charities?

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About AlienMotives 1991 Articles
Ex-Navy Reactor Operator turned bookseller. Father of an amazing girl and husband to an amazing wife. Tired of willful political blindness, but never tired of politics. Hopeful for the future.