Trump Tweets The Rally Day Edition Part One

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

Day 16 of the Impeachment Inquiry has arrived.

On the 16th day of the Impeachment Inquiry President Trump will hold a campaign rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

So far for rally goer prep the President has tweeted 12 times and retweeted 3 times.

The Impeachment Inquiry Tweets.

In his next two tweets he attacks Fox News. Irony will not die.

According to the article newly elected Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky told gathered reporters inside a Kiev food market on Thursday that he believes the transcript released by the White House is accurate.

He went on to say that he knew the U.S. withheld the $400 million in military aid “due to concerns about corruption.”

Zelensky said “there was no blackmail,” adding, “nobody asked [for] anything.”

From the call.

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though…

Summary Ukraine Call pg. 2.
Summary Ukraine Call pg. 3.

Reminder Hunter Biden is a private citizen. And since when do “Conservative Republicans” gasp in horror over how much someone gets paid, in a private matter?

See above.

The ICIG issued a 4 page statement on September 30th. In the report it explains the following.

The [LAW] required that the Whistleblower aka the Complainant be; an employee of an element of the intelligence community, an employee assigned or detailed to an element of the intelligence community, or an employee of a contractor to the intelligence community.

The ICIG confirmed the whistleblower was such an employee, detailee, or contractor.

The [LAW] also required that the Complainant provide; a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.”

The report goes on to explain that the ICIG had fourteen calendar days to decide if the information provided was not only an urgent concern but that the urgent concern appeared credible; The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined, after conducting a preliminary review, that there were reasonable grounds to believe the urgent concern appeared credible.

If the four page summary is not enough to convince you. The Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Magurie told the House Intelligence Committee that the Whistleblower followed the law, and added that he believed the Whistleblower “did the right” thing.

The Fox News’ Pollster(s) suck!, tweets.

There is always a tweet, take it away Trump Twitter Archive.

January 22, 2016.

Anyone who attacks the President at onetime or another “begged” him for a job, just ask him. 🙄

What they did to earn his ire, released a new poll that shows 51 percent, a new high, want President Trump impeached and removed from office. 4 percent want him impeached but not removed, while only 40 percent oppose impeachment.

The methodology.

Poll was taken between October 6th through the 8th, among a random national sample of 1,003 registered voters. Landline was 229. Cellphone was 774. According to the full results breakdown the telephone numbers were randomly selected.

As to Fox News in General.

At the writing of this post. Matt Gertz via Twitter.

Defending his abandoning of the Kurds tweets.

I like most spent yesterday, Wednesday in the Rage Sea. Today, Thursday, the day the President will lie to his fans aka voters, I’m just sad. He made a feckless decision, after a phone call with Turkey upending military policy regarding the Kurds.

Dave from Florida shared an article posted on MSN News describing what Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin reported about conditions on the ground in Syria.

Her tweet thread.

But according to President Trump that’s okay because they are just going to escape into Europe.

He added via a tweet from late Wednesday.

For more thoughts, not mine, as I said, I’m just sad today.

The Rest of the Tweets.

Programming alert.

There will be an article posted at some point in the near future regarding the arrests.

There will be a live rally thread posted. I’ll bring the wine and popcorn. You guys bring the Tylenol.

This post will be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.