As we enter the second weekend of the New Year, the President, who apparently did not get enough rally love last night, has tweeted 9 times and retweeted 25 times, so far for Friday.
Wow! Thank you Greg. Hope I live up to your expectations. https://t.co/jBWn1ksGo4
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
Speaking of Iran…
Pompeo: “there were a series of imminent attacks, we don’t know when, we don’t know where.
— Jason Sparks (@sparksjls) January 10, 2020
🤔🤔🤔🤔 pic.twitter.com/ig6dluI63C
This will get a lot of attention today. On the “imminent threat” intel, Pompeo tells Fox News: “There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qasem Soleimani. We don’t know precisely when and we don’t know precisely where, but it was real.”
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) January 10, 2020
Admin inconsistent on Iran over last 24 hrs. Trump said: “they were looking to blow up our embassy.” Then admin said Trump talking about storming of embassy. Then DOD said there was embassy plot. Then Pompeo on Fox: “We don’t know precisely when and we don’t know precisely where”
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 10, 2020
There is also this being reported by the Wall Street Journal.
And there it is. https://t.co/rJJ1mldzAt pic.twitter.com/AFD7wyv6FU
— Eric Columbus (@EricColumbus) January 10, 2020
The White House team that managed the Iran strike was cohesive and less inclined than its predecessors to push back against the president’s wishes https://t.co/ub6WBQ4rtm
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 10, 2020
Great interview this morning by @foxandfriends with some of the fantastic people who attended the big Rally last night in Toledo, Ohio. Thank you. Such amazing energy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
As the News Blender featured on Thursday evening, the President held his first 2020 campaign rally from Ohio. His next rally is scheduled for Tuesday.
I agree. Jovita will do a great job! https://t.co/3uwI4NUxBn
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
The Hill reported on Tuesday that Jovita Carranza, a Treasury Department Official, was confirmed to head President Trump’s Small Business Administration in a broad bipartisan vote of 88 for, and 5 against.
More from The Hill:
Carranza will become the highest-ranking Latina official in Trump’s Cabinet, and the vote gives the close ally of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin a prominent role in defending the administration’s economic policies in the election year.
She will be the first permanent head of the SBA in almost a year. Trump’s first Senate-confirmed SBA administrator, Linda McMahon, left the position last April to take a position at a pro-Trump super PAC. Chris Pilkerton is currently serving as acting administrator of the SBA.
The Hill 01/07/2020.
Thank you Mike! https://t.co/0cNENCP1h7
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
Fox Business reported on Tuesday that the USMCA trade agreement advanced from the Senate Finance Committee in a vote of 25-3 moving the NAFTA replacement one-step closer to a full Senate vote.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has said in the past that a full vote on the USMCA is not expected until after the Senate Impeachment trial.
We will get this done for our great Miners! https://t.co/8x3WwEo0eV
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
The tweet that President Trump is using was sent on Dec. 16th, 2019, by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV).
BREAKING NEWS: Today we came to an agreement that will finally secure pensions & healthcare for our coal miners & their families. . I look forward to voting for this crucial bill later this week & sending it to the President so he can sign it into law. https://t.co/7bNa9ooCDJ
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) December 16, 2019
This bill secures lifetime healthcare benefits for the 13,000 miners who would have lost their benefits entirely & the 92,000 miners who would have seen their pensions gutted next year without Congressional action. #PromiseKept
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) December 16, 2019
I have introduced legislation to secure lifetime healthcare and pension benefits for coal miners and their families since 2015, and it has been the honor of my life to lead this fight and bring together the coalition that made this possible. #PromiseKept
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) December 16, 2019
From Manchin.Senate.gov.
U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) today announced a bipartisan agreement to secure pensions and healthcare for nearly 100,000 coal miners, their widows, and their families. Senator Manchin’s Bipartisan American Miners Act (S. 2788) has been included in the final funding package that will keep the government open beyond December 20th when the current temporary funding measure expires. This bill secures lifetime healthcare benefits for the 13,000 miners who would have lost their benefits entirely and the 92,000 miners who would have seen their pensions gutted next year without Congressional action.
Near as I can gather from “Google” the Bipartisan American Miners Act of 2019, that was introduced in November of 2019, was folded into the funding package, that President Trump signed on December 20th.
CNBC News reported on December 19th, that Congress was poised to push through the spending bill and that “politicians are using the opportunity to help fix the pensions and health-care benefits for one group of workers: coal miners.”
More from CNBC News:
The measure would help ensure that the 1974 United Mine Workers of America Pension Plan won’t become insolvent. The bill would help protect retirement benefits for 92,000 workers and health care benefits of about 13,000.
CNBC News 12/19/2019.
The measure was passed in a House of Representatives vote on Tuesday. And the Senate also is expected to approve it, since it has the endorsement of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
“11,000 points gained in the Dow in the 3 years since the Election of President Trump. Today it may hit 29,000. That has NEVER happened before in that time frame. That has added 12.8 Trillion Dollars to the VALUE of American Business.” @Varneyco @FoxNews The best is yet to come!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
“I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I’ve never seen anything like this (Economy).” @Varneyco @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
BREAKING: Dow soars past 29,000 for first time; crossed the 28,000 mark just 37 days ago. https://t.co/aR8yjVdxmG
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 10, 2020
As it’s the first Friday of the month the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the December jobs report.
Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 145,000 in December according to the report. The unemployment rate of 3.5 percent was unchanged.
More from the Report:

October was revised down by 4,000 from 156,000, to 152,000.
November was revised down by 10,000 from 266,000 to 256,000.
With the revisions, “employment gains in October and November combined were 14,000 lower than previously reported. (Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.) After revisions, job gains have averaged 184,000 over the last 3 months.”
I love constantly proving them wrong. It’s easy! https://t.co/N2bgTBKum6
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
This is one of those tweets, that really, there is no context I can add.
Yeah, it’s easy, like trade wars…
She will go down as perhaps the least successful Speaker in U.S. History! https://t.co/aTCkFW3pr4
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2020
*President Trump will forever be recognized in history as the third U.S. President to be Impeached in the House of Representatives.
*Impeached in the House on 12/18/2019*
This post might be updated within reason.
This is an Open Thread.
Happy Friday Y’all!