Trump Tweets: Friday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


It’s finally Friday, President Impeached has retweeted 28 times and tweeted 13 times so far.

As the News Blender reported this morning, Li Wenliang the doctor who first noticed the viral strain known as coronavirus in China, has died, he was 34 years old. There are 12 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S..

As to some of the words used in the tweet itself, “he is strong,” or he “strongly leads,” I find myself thinking the President of the U.S. is brown nosing aka Kissing China’s Ass and for the life of me, I can’t figure out how that’s appropriate to the situation itself.

He moves on from China to focus on a Tucker Carlson tweet.

Fox News show host Tucker Carlson penned an opinion piece entitled, “Tucker Carlson: Criminals would be protected from deportation under bill AOC and other House Democrats back,” published on Thursday.

The bill, a “New Way Forward Act,” was introduced in early December 2019, by Rep. Jesus Garcia of Illinois and was referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship by the Judiciary Committee January 30th, 2020.

President Impeached is correct the bill is likely to move nowhere for the time being.

As to Carlson’s fearmongering article, he uses quotes such as, “A document produced by Democrats to promote the bill says: “Convictions … should not lead to deportation.” I found no such sentence or sentences in the PDF of the bill and no summary is provided.

In a press release from December Garcia said:

Too many families in Chicago and around the country have been torn apart by cruel immigration policies. Imagine living with the constant fear of being detained anywhere and deported at any time simply because you fled violence and sought refuge in the U.S. We must end the labels of the ‘good’ versus ‘bad’ immigrant used to dehumanize and divide communities. An attack on one community is an affront to us all. I am proud to introduce the New Way Forward Act to disrupt the prison to deportation pipeline, give all immigrants the dignity of due process, and ensure America remains a nation that welcomes all.

Garcia statement 12/10/2019.

The thanking Cult Members tweets.

I skipped a tweet to place the Lou Dobbs tweet in it’s proper place.


The Iowa Tweets (Sure Graham’s could go here, but it’s a cult like tweet, so yeah.)

Still not a King, regardless of what he and the MAGA’s think. He’s not the boss of us, we are the boss of him.

He ran in Iowa, a primary (Caucus) that state Republicans did not cancel against two long shot candidates, Bill Weld and Joe Walsh.

He spoke to the press prior to departing D.C..

In this clip he accuses Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of committing a crime when she tore up his State of the Union address.

Aaron’s right according to Politifact, who rated the statement by Charlie Kirk, as Pants on Fire, regarding the legality of Pelosi tearing up paper.

Law professor Heidi Kitrosser told Politifact “I take it that this is a printout of the Trump speech, in which case it is absurd to suggest that Pelosi can be prosecuted for doing with it whatever she pleases.”

Law professor Douglas Cox said, “Her copy of the State of the Union address is not a government record or government property at all,” he added, “It is personal property.”

*H/T to twitter user Harry Mudd1974 for providing me a link to the above article on Twitter.*

Speaking of Iowa President Impeached said they “fried the votes.”

The votes were recorded on paper. It was the reporting of those votes that led to problems with releasing the results in a timely manner.

President Impeached says the Country is already Unified because just look at his crowd size.

According to the Jobs Report released on Friday, for January nonfarm payroll employment rose by 225,000. The unemployment rate was little changed at 3.6 percent.

The gains:

In January, construction employment rose by 44,000. Most of the gain occurred in specialty trade contractors, with increases in both the residential (+18,000) and nonresidential (+17,000) components. Construction added an average of 12,000 jobs per month in 2019.

Health care added 36,000 jobs in January, with gains in ambulatory health care services (+23,000) and hospitals (+10,000). Health care has added 361,000 jobs over the past 12 months.

Employment in transportation and warehousing increased by 28,000 in January. Job gains occurred in couriers and messengers (+14,000) and in warehousing and storage (+6,000). Over the year, employment in transportation and warehousing has increased by 106,000.

Employment in leisure and hospitality continued to trend up in January (+36,000). Over the past 6 months, the industry has added 288,000 jobs. Employment continued on an upward trend in professional and business services in January (+21,000), increasing by 390,000 over the past 12 months.

January Jobs Report released 02/07/2020.

Manufacturing employment saw little change for January (-12,000) and “has shown little movement, on net, over the past 12 months. Motor vehicles and parts lost 11,000 jobs over the month.”

Updating is unlikely for today, I know shocker, but I do have some adulting to do, outside of my new home…

This is an Open Thread.

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.