Democratic Primary Presidential Debate: Joe Biden vs. Bernie Sanders

Old Democrat Logo. Photo by Steven Braeger.

Sunday marks the 11th Democratic Primary Presidential Debate and is the first time only two candidates will appear.

In one corner former Vice President Joe Biden, who has 890 delegates out of the 1,991 needed to secure the Democratic nomination for President.

In the second corner Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, who has 736 delegates out of the 1,991 needed to secure the Democratic nomination for President.

The 11th debate scheduled to be held in Arizona, a state heading to the polls on Tuesday, was moved in light of the coronavirus pandemic to Washington D.C..

The first face-off between the last remaining hopefuls, will be the first debate without an audience in attendance in an abuance of caution to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. The debate hosted by CNN at starts at 8 p.m. D.C. time and will last two hours.

NPR reported that the moderators will be CNN’s Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. Univision’s Jorge Ramos was scheduled to join Bash and Tapper, but he will no longer take part in the debate following a potential secondary exposure to the coronavirus.

To watch the 11th audience free debate you can do so on CNN cable channels, plus it will be streamed @

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.