Trump Tweets “Got Some Bad Things,” for Monday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday.


For Monday President Impeached so far as tweeted 3 times and retweeted 3 times.

At 1:15 a.m. D.C. time President Impeached announced that he would be phoning into his Fox & Friends.


He blames President Obama for how badly President Impeached handled the coronavirus.

February 7th, 2020.

He moves on to explain he thinks New York will be just fine. He laments that Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York isn’t using the 2,000 ventilators sent by the Federal Government.

While I tend to lean more toward State’s rights, versus Federal involvement, during a national pandemic, that effects every state, the Federal Government should be involved.

Side note: During yesterday daily mini-rally this time live from the Rose Garden, President Impeached was asked by PBS News Hour correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, how past statements regarding New York not needing 30,000 to 40,000 ventilators might affect how orders are filled.

He denies he ever said that Governor’s wouldn’t need 30,000-40,000 ventilators. He then asks her to be nice and “not threatening.” She pushes saying she was quoting him directly.

March 26th, to super-super fan Sean Hannity of Fox News.

He blasts Germany, praises Russia for helping us during World War II.

He almost once again slips and says his father was born in Germany something he’s said at least three times. His father was born in New York.

He moves on from his Fox & Friends to thank the FDA Commissioner.

As the News Blender covered on Sunday, President Impeached asked and then hoped on Twitter that the FDA would approve Battelle Machines the ability to clean in 12 hours, 80,000 PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment). The FDA had given the company their approval to clean 10,000 PPE’s.

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, late Sunday tweeted:

After thanking Dr. Hahn, President Impeached then attacks Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

The $2.2 trillion in stimulus was passed in the Senate 96-0. Pork loaded, written by the Senate R’s, without inclusion of the Senate D’s. Are they bad things in the Bill? Absolutely. Was one party or the other responsible? Nope. It was a joint effort to pork load the economic stimulus.

Not content with bashing Pelosi on Twitter, President Impeached carried on the longstanding feud with the Speaker of the House to his Fox & Friends.

For those familiar with the daily mini-rallies, he basically explains that he stopped thousands of people coming in from China, earlier than even the experts wanted.

He restricted foreigner entry from China on January 31st. The U.S. had their first confirmed coronavirus case on January 21st.

President Impeached in part: The area she is in charge of.

She is not “in charge,” of her area, she is the areas Federal Representative, in the People’s House. Her job, her elected post, is designed to give her district residents a voice in the House Chamber. Almost 4 years after his election President Impeached still has zero idea how Federal Government works.

President Impeached adds: In fact the Federal Government may-may get involved and take over that area and clean it up.

See? Clueless. As to what powers the Federal Government has.

Monday’s daily mini-rally is scheduled for 5 p.m. D.C. time. As always, President Impeached is typically late.

This post might be updated. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2751 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.