Trump Tweets “So Much FAKE NEWS,” for Monday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday aka Panicked Market Monday.

As the News Blender covered this morning, the U.S. Stock Exchange halted trading just after the opening bell for 15 minutes before reopening trading.

For Panicked Market Monday, President Impeached has tweeted 14 times.

He’s working hard…

From the analysis by Washington Post‘s Philip Bump:

President Trump, the government official ultimately responsible for the response to the coronavirus outbreak, also was in Florida on Saturday. He was three hours east of Lee County, at his private Mar-a-Lago resort. He wasn’t at Mar-a-Lago all day, however. He spent several hours at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach — as he did on Sunday morning, as well.

The exact number of times Trump has played golf as president isn’t known because, unlike past administrations, this White House doesn’t share information about Trump’s activities at his golf clubs. (White House pool reporters who travel with the president and would normally report on what he’s doing are forced to wait out his golf-course visits at nearby facilities — a library, in the case of his trips this weekend.)

By our count, considering contemporaneous reports and the weather at the time, Trump has played about 217 rounds of golf as president, once every five days. He has visited one of his golf clubs on about 250 days as president, including his club in Bedminster, N.J., where he disappears from the public eye for weeks on end during the summer. One tally of confirmed rounds of golf — as when his golf partners reveal that they played or when he is captured by other club members on social media — has the total at 116 rounds, a figure that Barack Obama didn’t hit until months into his second term.

Philip Bump. 03/08/2020.

But but but he’s working hard…

President Impeached works hard to sell a book of a fan…

The image used in the tweet is from last years CPAC gathering. Speaking of CPAC…

Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Sunday announced that he would be remaining in Texas for the week, since at CPAC 2020 he came in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.

President Impeached switches his hard working gears to the coronavirus…

NBC News reported on Monday that as of Sunday the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. is over 550.

He moves on from the coronavirus to focus on name-calling…

In September of 2019, President Impeached compared the Trump/Ukraine phone call whistleblower to a spy, adding at the private event, “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

Regarding the phone call between President Impeached and Ukraine President Zelensky, then-President Trump said to Zelensky while speaking about a U.S. Ambassador, “well, she’s going to go through some things.”

President Impeached moves on from being a giant hypocrite to tweeting about the Presidential election…

Sanders is always anger.

The media reported that similar to 2016, Russia was focusing ads supporting Sanders for the Democratic nomination for President, they did not attempt to smear Sanders.

In response to reporting Sanders said, via the Washington Post, “I don’t care, frankly, who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to be president. My message to Putin is clear: Stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.”

He turns his attention away from the Presidential election to focus on Deep State…


Moving on…

As a reminder President Trump aka President Impeached, was only the 3rd President in history to be Impeached by the House of Representatives.

President Impeached switching those hard working gears away from Deep State and But Obama, to focus once again on the coronavirus…

On Sunday…

Regarding the ban:

Travel is restricted our borders are not closed, the announced travel restrictions came after there were already reported cases in the U.S..

President Impeached moves on to remind us…


The video was edited to make it appear that Biden, who his known for gaffe’s supports re-electing President Trump. Missing from the above clip is the second part of the statement.

Biden: Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It’s gotta be a positive campaign.

Moving on from sharing a dishonest edited clip President Impeached explains…

The current DOW stands around 1,500 points down. (Business Insider.)

Staying within the theme, President Impeached blames Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the Fake News, for Panicked Market Monday…

The market has fallen steadily for over two weeks…

Back to the coronavirus…

South by Southwest, a music, film, and tech conference, announced on Friday that due to the coronavirus they were cancelling the event hosted in Austin, Texas.

ABC News reported that last year the SXSW event brought in $355.9 million in revenue.

USA TODAY reported on Thursday that including the SXSW event, 12 events total have been cancelled so far.

The CDC has advised travelers to avoid long plane flights and especially cruises.

We might see updating today…

This is an Open Thread.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2757 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.