Watch Live: White House Coronavirus Task Force Update

News Media Standards. Image by Sollok29.

President Impeached announced via Twitter that on Sunday, the task force would be holding another live press briefing to update the public on the coronavirus outbreak.

I debated and self-argued against posting another mini-rally were government officials praise the leadership of President Impeached during this time of crisis and share very little new information.

But, as it’s news worthy I figured what the hell.

This presser comes the same day we learn that Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Paul’s office offered a statement via Twitter announcing the results.

“He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events.”

He was traveling while the rest of the nation is expected to self-isolate as much as possible, while we the people social-distance, for at least 15 days.

I suspect the task force will be asked about the Senator’s asymptomatic-self failing to follow the “Presidential Guidelines,” to stopping the spread of the virus.

As always we should expect tardiness from President Impeached and his mini-rally goers.

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About Tiff 2725 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.