This is part of an ongoing series where I review some of the ads purchased by the Russians. In doing so I hope we can get a better understanding of what they were trying to do, and how to recognize it the next time we’re faced with propaganda.
If you want to follow along, the ads can all be downloaded here. All of today’s ads can be found in the 2016-q3/2016-07 folder.
Just as they encouraged hatred of police, they also encouraged support. P(1)0000625 doesn’t come with an ad, so I can’t say whether or not the flash mob was successful:
P(1)0000086 talks about supporting police chiefs who want Black Lives Matter listed as a hate group. On a side note, I could trace the image back to “God’s Little Army” news, but can find very little about the news site. If anyone knows about them, please post in the comments.
P(1)0003244 comes from the Stop All Invaders group, and does have a little “blue” language:
THIS IS AN OPEN THREAD. Take care, and be well.