Trump Tweets “ENDLESS VACATION!”, For Friday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday aka President Impeached is a Baby.

For President Impeached is a Baby, President Impeached has tweeted 12 times, so far.

Whines about W.H.O. based on something he heard on Fox News.

Why did the W.H.O. make several claims about the CoronaVirus that ere either inaccurate or misleading….in January and February, as the Virus spread globally? Why did the W.H.O.

This timeline from Channel 4 News covers until March 17th, 2020.

He moves on from blaming W.H.O. for his own downplaying of the virus and his own praising of China, and spreading inaccurate or misleading information to focus on attacking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).


Senators, and Congress people are sheltered in place, just as the rest of most of the U.S.. I’m not sure I’d call it a vacation.

Just leaving this here from April 10th.

After whining and bashing peeps, he moves to calling for a citizens uprising.

You can be sure these three tweets will be asked about during today’s campaign rally also known as the Impeached President’s daily bitches.

He was asked during Thursday’s campaign rally about the protesters ignoring social distancing orders, which the Impeached President himself has promoted that lasts until April 30th, and if he’d urge those protesters to listen to their local officials and authorities.

From the White House transcript.

President Impeached: I think they’re listening.  I think they listen to me.  They seem to be protesters that like me and respect this opinion.  And my opinion is the same as just about all of the governors. They all want to open.  Nobody wants to stay shut, but they want to open safely.  So do I.

He moves to blast Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo.

Governor Cuomo responded to the Impeached President’s tweets.

Regarding Cuomo’s testing remarks.

He explains that the labs need chemicals in order to run tests, and that the chemicals needed come from China, and China is now being overrun with global orders. He says as governor he can’t do “international relations,” that’s up to the federal government.

And once again, the Impeached Asshole is getting his information from Fox News.

Here is the clip that Ed Henry is referencing, I believe, tracking it down was not simple.

After bashing Cuomo once, which he does again later, in his massive Twitter meltdown this morning and afternoon, President Impeached moved on to bash former President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

From the CDC final estimates of the H1N1 pandemic published May of 2011.

From April 2009 to April 2010: we estimate that approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (8868-18,306) occurred in the United States due to pH1N1. Eighty-seven percent of deaths occurred in those under 65 years of age with children and working adults having risks of hospitalization and death 4 to 7 times and 8 to 12 times greater, respectively, than estimates of impact due to seasonal influenza covering the years 1976-2001. In our study, adults 65 years of age or older were found to have rates of hospitalization and death that were up to 75% and 81%, respectively, lower than seasonal influenza. These results confirm the necessity of a concerted public health response to pH1N1.

In February of 2010, the CDC estimated that estimated deaths related to H1N1 were 17,620.

Johns Hopkins on Friday @ 10:34 a.m. CA. time, reports that:
672,303 people have tested positive for the coronavirus.
33,898 people have died related to the coronavirus.
56,243 people are said to be in total recovery.

As a reminder the Impeached President signed a stimulus package that totals $2.2 trillion. And he along with the Senate and the House are preparing for additional money to be spent regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

We move on bashing former President’s and Vice President’s to bash China.

CNN reported on Friday that Wuhan officials have revised the number of deaths regarding the novel coronavirus by 1,290 people, while also adding an additional 325 confirmed cases.

Officials in Wuhan, where the virus was first reported late last year, on Friday added 1,290 coronavirus deaths to the city’s toll. They also added 325 confirmed cases to the city tally.
The total number of cases recorded in the city now stands at 50,333, with 3,869 deaths. The previous reported death toll for Wuhan was 2,579 — so the revised figure marks a 50% increase in the number of deaths in the city from coronavirus.
As of April 17, China’s National Health Commission had reported 3,342 deaths nationally, before the revised Wuhan figures were published.

CNN. 04/17/2020.

Officials explained that initially deaths had gone uncounted in the early stages of the pandemic with some people dying at home, which delayed collections the figures.

He brings up TESTING and continues to push that the states have to step up.

April 11th, President Impeached said during a campaign rally disguised as a press briefing “we don’t need testing, you don’t have to test every person.”

Experts agree that in order to safely reopen the economy we need to increase testing. The governors have also asked for more testing.

More Cuomo bashing.

Cuomo explained that they were relaying on federal projections.

There was a lot of bashing and whining today. Tonight’s campaign rally should be a joy.

I really hope this post doesn’t require updating.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.