Trump Tweets “LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL,” for Monday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday aka Day 6 of the 30 days to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19).

For Day 6 of the 30 days to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) President Impeached has tweeted 7 times and retweeted 7 times.

Quotes Fox News show MediaBuzz with lawyer and Fox regular Gayle Trotter.

A video from the Washington Post shows the 10 times President Impeached “downplayed,” aka was wrong about the coronavirus.

Another video from Guardian News this time focused on how President Impeached changed his “tune,” on the deadly pandemic.

He moves on from MediaBuzz to try and appear Presidential and emphatic.

On March 30th, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis told Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt, that “And not only that, I mean, I think a lot of these are foreigners,” when asked about allowing a cruise ship to dock in Ft. Lauderdale.

He added, “we cannot afford to have people who aren’t even Floridians dumped into South Florida using up those valuable resources.”

March 6th, President Impeached while at the CDC spoke of another virus stricken cruise ship saying at the time, “I’d rather [the passengers stay on board] because I like the numbers being where they are, I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault. And it wasn’t the fault of the people on the ship either, okay? It wasn’t their fault either and they are mostly Americans, so I can live either way, I’d rather have them stay on [the ship] personally but I fully understand if they want to take them off.

President Impeached moves on from being a humanitarian to bash the media, specifically his personal media coverage, thanking Gayle Trotter.

I don’t know about y’all, but I truly do not need the media to show me how incompetent and unfit for office, President Impeached is. I’ve listened to rallies, I’ve slogged through the daily mini-rallies, I cover his tweets FFS, I don’t need the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, to tell me things, well, aside from possibly offering context to what the hell President Impeached is lying about, or pushing in our damn faces sometimes hourly, but otherwise, my low opinion of President Impeached stems from hearing or seeing his own words, not the medias.

*end mini-rant.*

President Incompetent moves to ALL CAPS!

On March 29th, President Impeached explained that on March 31st, he and his Coronavirus Task Force, would be offering new guidelines on how the U.S. would handle the coronavirus pandemic.

On March 31st, they announced 30 Days to Stop the Spread, of the deadly virus, basically it was just an extension of the previously announced 15 Days to Stop the Spread. It was at this same presser that Impeached and company attempted to prepare American’s for between 100,000 up to 240,000 people dying of the disease.

That was just 6 day’s ago and already we are being told by the Impeached President, that there is a “LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL.”

He turns away from the light in order to bash the media again.

JoJoFromJerz pretty much summed up my thoughts regarding this tweet which includes, “or the Virus is just plain beating them up.”

As of 8:18 a.m. CA time, John Hopkins reports that 337,971 people are infected with the coronavirus. 9,654 people have died of the disease while 17,582 are said to be in total recovery.

President Impeached moved away from bashing the media to bash former Vice President Joe Biden for suggesting a virtual DNC convention versus a large social gathering.

Yeah, it’s totally a mystery why a person might not fell comfortable hosting a social gathering of more than 10 people in the wake of the coronavirus.

“Also, what ever happened to that phone call he told the Fake News he wanted to make to me?”

CNN reported on April 1st, that according to Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, that a phone call regarding the coronavirus pandemic was in the works.

President Impeached said, “I would absolutely take his call,” adding, “I would love to speak with him, sure.”

But White House counselor to President Impeached Kellyanne Conway said when asked about the phone call, “I find it petty and partisan and completely unhelpful to the American population to have a former vice president, who was here for eight years, in his bunker in Wilmington just lobbing criticisms, reading from prepared notes and not that well.”

For those wondering, yes, there is a mini-rally scheduled for Monday evening.

This post might be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.