Watch Live: White House Press Briefing 04/20/2020

White House Press Briefing 03/26/2020. Photo by Tia Dufour.

Before you ask, yes, it was scheduled for 5 p.m. D.C. time.

In today’s Trump campaign rally, which is not all about him…I imagine he’ll be asked about testing for the coronavirus and oil prices.

Trip down memory lane…

April 2nd.

April 12th.

April 14th.

Somehow I don’t think Mister I don’t take responsibility will be happy with oil price related questions at today’s rally.

He is likely to be asked about Governor of Georgia seemingly skipping phase 1 heading right into phase 2 of the open America back up plan less than a month after Kemp learned the virus could be spread by asymptomatic people.

Live Feeds.

PBS News Hour.


The White House.

Johns Hopkins reports as of 2:32 CA time, that 778,176 people are confirmed to have the virus in the U.S.. 41,575 people have died as a result of the virus, while 71,921 people are said to be in total recovery. 4 million people are said to have been tested for the coronavirus.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.