Trump Tweets “Hello!”, for Friday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday!!!!

For Friday President I Have Nothing Better to do But Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, has tweeted 11 times, and retweeted 21 times so far.

President Nothing Better starts his day by….calling the media lame and fake….shocking no one.

April 14th, 2020, the Washington Post reported that as of April 3rd, 2020, which was President Liar Liar Pants on Fire’s 1,170th day in office, he had made, “18,000 false or misleading claims. That’s an average of more than 15 claims a day, though since our last update 75 days ago, he’s been averaging just over 23 claims a day. That’s slightly higher than the 22 a day he recorded in 2019.”

President Liar Liar Pants on Fire moves on to bashing Democratic Rep. AOC via Jeremy Frankel.

President Who Think’s Windmills (Turbines) Cause Cancer moves on to mocking former Vice President Joe Biden.

President Gut Instinct moves away from projecting to contradicted the RNC.

On Wednesday.

Axios confirmed the RNC vote writing; The Republican National Committee voted on Wednesday to reuse its 58-page 2016 platform instead of building a new platform for 2020, Politico’s Alex Isenstadt first reported and Axios confirmed.

What’s happening: The RNC will not have a platform committee and only around 336 delegates are scheduled to travel to Charlotte for the convention.

President Who Screws Everyone Over Even His Own Party moves on to tell us “Hello!”

Omri Ceren was subtweeting Adam Kredo.

On Wednesday the House Committee on Foreign Affairs released fired State Department Inspector General Steve Linick’s interview regarding what Linick

President Random moves to subtweet Jeremy Frankel, again.

President Who Thinks Very Highly of Himself moves on to do what he does best. Self-Promotion.


End Highlights.

President Me moves on to bash Seattle, again.

President who told his super super fans, that he and a Dictator “fell in Love,” only for said Dictator to break-up with him, try’s to mock “it is a Summer of Love,” without irony.

President Who Won’t Stop Tweeting shift gears slightly to campaign.

This post isn’t being updated today. Sorry.

This is an Open Thread.

I’m super sorry about my latest, I’ve been on the phone 2 and a half hours with my brother. Everything is fine, we just haven’t had a chance to talk in awhile. Thank you.

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About Tiff 2748 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.