Live Audio: Full U.S. Court of Appeals Panel Rehears Michael Flynn Case

Michael Flynn at a campaign rally for Donald Trump. Photo by Gage Skidmore.

On Tuesday:

CNN explains that “The DC Circuit Court of Appeals hearing Tuesday morning may be the most consequential yet in the years of court hearings for Flynn.Ten judges on the appeals court will rehear the arguments, after wiping out a previous Circuit Court ruling that ordered a quick dismissal earlier this summer.”

As a reminder the former National Security Adviser to President Impeached has previously pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators, twice.

Joshua Geltzer with Just Security provides his four key questions confronting the D.C. Circuit en banc court.

Audio Feed to the hearing.

United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.

C-SPAN will also be providing live audio of the rehearing.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.