Trump Ego Tweets for Wednesday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Wednesday.

President Insecure has tweeted 12 times and retweeted 21 times so far for Wednesday.

His first Wednesday tweet was sent at 12:58 a.m. D.C. time in which he quotes himself.

I did not click the article because President Rinse and Repeater has been rising and repeating that “if Biden wins, China would own the U.S.,” since early August.

For his next late night tweet sent at 1:15 a.m. D.C., time, he shows he is still reeling from reports that say he called U.S., military dead, “losers and suckers.”

The Atlantic was first to report that President Hair-Do skipped a visit to an American military cemetery in France after he called the military dead “losers,” for being killed in action. He was also concerned about his hair being damaged in the rain.

The article first appeared on Thursday September 3rd and has been in part confirmed by other media outlets including Jennifer Griffin of Fox News.

In response to her reporting President Democrats Want to Cancel You, called for her to be canceled by Fox News.

During his Labor Day campaign event, dressed-up as a press conference he attempted to defend against reporting that he’s made hateful remarks about our service men and women.

The remarks came as he was berating political rival former Vice President Joe Biden almost as an aside.

The White House transcript. (video is cued to the remarks).

President Digs Hole: And it’s one of the reasons the military — I’m not saying the military is in love with me; the soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.

President People in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones, throws more stones at Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s salon visit trying to make it a huge scandal because she was being a hypocrite.

Pelosi was a hypocrite, but the whole I’m gonna be outraged crowd aka Trump super fans over it, is just petty and more hypocritical given the outrages things done by President Petty is my Middle Name.

President Distracter attempts to Distract from his own scandals to create a scandal for Biden.

The event in question is a Biden virtual AFL-CIO event.

Another day-Another book to promote.

York’s book focuses how come the media and Democrats are obsessed with the sitting President. From the link to Amazon, where you can purchase the book for twenty-two dollars, the description of the book reads; From the moment Donald Trump was elected president—even before he was inaugurated—Democrats called for his impeachment. That call, starting on the margins of the party and the press, steadily grew until it became a deafening media and Democratic obsession. It culminated first in the Mueller report—which failed to find any evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the president—and then in a failed impeachment.

which failed to find any evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the president…

Having read the report myself, twice, this is not accurate, Mueller determined that Team Trump did not conspire against the U.S., but did find that the sitting President obstructed justice during the investigation into Russian election interference of 2016, which Mueller also explained was to benefit President Impeached. It was Attorney General Corrupt Barr that determined President Impeached was not guilty of Obstruction of Justice, not the report itself.

He moves on to attempt to campaign about “LOWERING,” medicare premiums and prescription drug prices.


May 11th, 2018…

*End Flashback*

For What It’s Worth.

The Washington Post has a video clip that features the 15 times President Sound Byte said he was going to reveal his health care plan.

President “Noble” reacts to the news he’s been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

I’m just assuming that he heard this on Fox News.

*I’m posting Bobby Lewis’ clips for the video not his statements, they were the easiest to find and place inside the article. Both clips featured information about the nomination.*

The New York Post explains that a member of the Norwegian Parliament and chairman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, submitted the nomination citing President So Helpful’s help with brokering a peace-deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Out of the 21 retweets, 16 of them are from people commenting on his nomination for the Nobel Peace Price.

For his next tweet he shares a clip from Fox News contributor Sara Carter who appeared on Steve Hilton’s Fox News show The Next Revolution.

Carters expresses her awe of how “extraordinary,” his presidency is because it’s “about the American people,” and “it’s a re-awaking of America,” adding that this re-awaking is not just “within the Republican party,” but it’s a re-awaking of “America, of American’s.” An expansion she says of Independents, of liberty “where we’re not going to take it anymore. That’s pretty much what the American people said in the election in 2016.” The clip finishes with her saying she believes he’ll win in November.

President Recruiter try’s to Recruit volunteers to be his Poll Watchers for election day.

“Army for Trump,” does not set the right tone IMO to describe people who can legally poll watch.

To pause for Wednesday’s tweet-a-thon which was way less than Tuesday‘s 101 tweets and retweets, he announces that his administration will not be cancelling a contract with Catholic Priests. reported on Sunday that “Catholic Masses at San Diego-area Navy bases have ended because the Navy, in what it says is a cost-cutting move, has declined to renew its contracts with Catholic priests, and there are not enough Catholic chaplains on active duty to fill the void.”

They go on to say that according to Brain O’Rourke a Navy Region Southwest spokesman, Protestant services on bases would continue as those are led by active duty chaplains. The changes they say are part of a national realignment that was announced on August 20th.

Protestant services on bases, which are led by active duty chaplains, will continue, said Brian O’Rourke, a Navy Region Southwest spokesman.
The changes to the Navy’s religious ministries are part of a national realignment announced on Aug. 20. It is unclear how many priests this will affect.
“The Navy’s religious ministries priority is reaching and ministering to our largest demographic — active duty Sailors and Marines in the 18-25 year-old range,” O’Rourke wrote in an email. “To meet that mission, the Navy has had to make the difficult decision to discontinue most contracted ministry services.”

Military.Com. 09/06/2020. says the Busy Busy Man is not busy today.

Our lying liar that lies is scheduled to hold a press briefing.

By the time I post, this might be over or in progress, it hasn’t started at the time of writing. Right before the briefing it was reported by CNN:

This is breaking news, please stay tuned.

Speaking of books, be sure to check out Alien’s review of the Michael Cohen book @ the News Blender.

This post might be updated.

This is an open thread

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About Tiff 2818 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.