Trump Tweets “Cindy Can Have,” Joe, for Wednesday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Wednesday.

President Twitter has tweeted 7 times and retweeted 14 times so far for Wednesday.

His first tweet was sent at 12:08 a.m. D.C. time, in which he praises Jeanine “Wino” Pirro’s book by quoting his own tweet sent on Tuesday evening.

Which is probably the only page he read.

He restarts his tweeting at 7:22 a.m. D.C. time to whine that former Senator John McCain’s wife has endorsed Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Cindy McCain the widow of McCain endorsed Biden via twitter on Tuesday just days before the first Presidential Debate.

On August 30th, 2018, Biden delivered the eulogy at McCain’s memorial following his death due to brain cancer.

For his next tweet he promotes a New York Times article that explains Johnson & Johnson have started their final stage of clinical trials on their vaccine for the coronavirus.

From the article:

Although they are a couple of months behind the other so-called Phase 3 trials in the United States, Johnson & Johnson’s trials will be the largest, with plans to enroll 60,000 participants. And the experimental vaccine may have considerable advantages over some of its competitors, experts said. It does not need to be stored in subzero temperatures, and it may require just one dose instead of two.

The trial started on Monday. At a news conference on Tuesday, Dr. Paul Stoffels, chief scientific officer of Johnson & Johnson, said the company might be able to determine by the end of the year if the vaccine is safe and effective. The company will soon be posting a manuscript online with data from the earlier phases of its trials, he said.

Adenovirus vaccines must be kept refrigerated but not frozen, unlike the two front-runner vaccines, by Moderna and Pfizer, which depend on bits of genetic material known as mRNA. The freezing requirement could make the distribution of those vaccines difficult, especially to places without advanced medical facilities.
Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines also require two jabs given a few weeks apart, a significant logistical hurdle.

New York Times. 09/23/2020.

Dr. Stoffels appeared on CNBC this morning explaining that regardless of any political pressure, they have their own ethics and standards and that Johnson & Johnson will make sure the vaccine’s “benefit risk will be very well established,” before it’s made available.

He announced that he will be holding a press conference aka a campaign rally this evening at 6 p.m. D.C. time.

On Tuesday the U.S. officially crossed the grim milestone of reporting 200,000 people have died due to the coronavirus.

On Monday during a campaign rally the day before the U.S., reached the grim milestone, officially, President Don’t Care explained that the coronavirus “affects virtually nobody.”

On Tuesday before departing the White House for another campaign rally, he is asked about the deaths of 200,000 American’s and at first dismissed the reporter who asked the question.

He’s asked again about the deaths, he answers by saying the original number was around 200,000 “if you did it right,” adding if the job wasn’t done right, you’d be at “2 million.”

*Aaron Rupar isn’t quoting Trump, that’s his personal opinion.*


March 30th, 2020.

May 1st, 2020.

*End Flashback*

Biden offered his own statement regarding the 200,000 deaths of American’s due to a pandemic, calling the milestone “tragic.”

President TV moves on to promote another event in which he will be on “TV.”

The event will either be over, almost over, or just starting, at the time this article is posted.

He begs people to be poll watchers with his next tweet.

Poll watching is not illegal. I don’t recall another Presidential Candidate him or herself–that is, ever begging people to be poll watchers for them personally. I have been asked by my GOP officials and DNC officials locally to be poll watchers for the party as a whole, not just for a specific candidate. I have never poll watched. I worked at a polling place one-time, for a local election.

Personally, I think it’s rich he talks about rules and regulations, since he keeps having covid-19 super spreaders against states rules and regulations.

He moves on to promote a report that doesn’t show what he thinks it does.

Pick it up Lamestream Media, and pick it up BIG!

CNN: Senate GOP report attacks Bidens with previously aired allegations of conflicts of interest.

The report focuses largely on Hunter Biden’s role on the board of Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm. The report says concerns were raised inside the Obama administration and with Biden directly about the potential issues surrounding Hunter Biden’s position. But the Republicans do not write that US policy changed because of Hunter Biden’s role — a key assertion pushed by Trump and other Republicans, which has never been backed up by any evidence.

[the report pg.14] The extent to which Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board affected U.S. policy toward Ukraine is not clear.

The report does include information form Andrii Telizhenko, who was a low-level Ukrainian diplomat and later a contractor with Blue Star Strategies, a US consulting firm that worked with Burisma. Telizhenko has worked with Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to spread disinformation about Biden and about foreign meddling in the 2016 election.
Telizhenko has said that the criticisms of him were part of a “smear campaign” by the Democratic Party.

CNN. 09/23/2020.

The Washington Post: GOP senators’ report calls Hunter Biden’s board position with Ukraine firm ‘problematic,’ but fails to show how it changed U.S. policy.

A pair of Senate Republican committee chairmen released a report Wednesday arguing that Hunter Biden’s board position with a Ukrainian energy company was “awkward,” “problematic” and interfered with “efficient execution of policy” for the Obama administration, but failed to demonstrate that it changed the administration’s policy toward Ukraine.

The GOP report concludes that [the report pg. 4] “Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine,” while charging that he and other Biden relatives “cashed in on Joe Biden’s vice presidency.”

But at the same time, the report states that [the report pg.14] “the extent to which Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board affected U.S. policy toward Ukraine is not clear.”

The panel interviewed about a dozen witnesses in the investigation, including from Blue Star. The panel also interviewed two close Biden advisers, former deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken and former international energy envoy Amos Hochstein, as well as two current ambassadors, Geoffrey Pyatt, who previously was the top diplomat in Ukraine, and Bridget Brink, who was previously the deputy assistant secretary of State with responsibility for Ukraine. Current deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent, former National Security Council Eastern Europe director Liz Zentos, former assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs Victoria Nuland, and David Wade, the former chief of staff to Secretary of State John F. Kerry, also spoke to investigators in the probe.

Washington Post. 09/23/2020.

The Wall Street Journal: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine Work Raised Concerns With Obama Officials, GOP-Led Probe Confirms.

The GOP-led probe shows that officials working on U.S.-Ukraine relations saw Hunter Biden’s position as creating the perception of a conflict of interest with his father’s work. The findings, outlined in an 87-page report, don’t support a central accusation President Trump and other Republicans have made about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s duties in Ukraine: that he sought the removal of the country’s top prosecutor to protect the gas company, Burisma Holdings, from investigation.

The Republican investigation also plumbed Hunter Biden’s [a private citizen] financials, including payments he received from foreign entities and transactions that the report said were flagged for potential criminal activity. The committees requested information from the Treasury Department, which collects millions of suspicious activity reports from banks and financial institutions each year, as part of their probe.

The report contained few revelations about the Bidens’ work in Ukraine that haven’t previously emerged publicly. Republicans identified as a central finding the efforts of a State Department official, George Kent [see screen shot], to raise concerns in 2015 with unidentified officials at the White House working for Mr. Biden about his son’s position at Burisma. Mr. Kent served as the acting deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

The Wall Street Journal. 09/23/2020.
Republican Report on Joe and Hunter Biden. (pg. 14). 09/23/2020.

Gary Peters the Democrat Senator from Michigan and top Democrat on the Homeland Security panel said according to CBS News, regarding the report; The chairmen have amplified a known Russian attack on our election, and have used the credibility of the United States Senate to advance these discredited narratives, despite warnings from the Intelligence Community, the national security experts they interviewed over the course of their investigation, and Trump administration officials. It is unconscionable that the chairmen are continuing to advance false information intended to undermine our democratic process at the expense of the bipartisan work we should be doing to protect our national security.

According to The Wall Street Journal, in what they say is an exclusive the Department of Justice will submit a proposal to Congress on Wednesday to “curb longstanding legal protections for internet companies such as Facebook Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Twitter Inc. and force them to shoulder more responsibility for managing content on their sites, a senior department official said. The proposal advances two main goals the Trump administration and the department outlined in June: encouraging online platforms to actively address illicit conduct and manage content on their sites in fair and consistent ways.”

His 3 p.m. D.C. time event, in which the Twitter abuser will likely bash Twitter.

This post might be updated.

This is an open thread

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.