Watch Live: Trump Holds a Campaign Rally Dressed-up as a Press Briefing

News Media Standards. Image by Sollok29.

Nothing says enjoy your Labor Day Weekend more than a press briefing with President Impeached.

At this point given this isn’t our first campaign rally held from our White House we know the drill, he’ll come out say he is the greatest President ever, take a few questions, maybe some soft balls, maybe even some harder ones, before he flounces off to rage tweet, binge watch news shows, and possibly golf this weekend.

Live Feeds.

The White House.

NBC News.

Bloomberg Quick Take News.

For What it’s Worth:

President Liar announced via tweet following outrage from the American people, that no way the Stars and Stripes newspaper will be shut-down.

The proposed budget cut that would shut the newspaper down was first reported on February 10th, 2020 by the Stars and Stripes who explained; The proposed cuts to the editorially independent news organization, which is partially funded by the Pentagon, were a product of the recent defense-wide review ordered by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, said Elaine McCusker, the Pentagon’s acting comptroller. That review sought to find funding that could be moved from non-military applications into warfighting coffers.

“We have essentially decided coming into the modern age that newspaper is probably not the best way we communicate any longer,” McCusker told reporters Monday at the Pentagon during a briefing to discuss the Defense Department’s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal.

Early Friday USA TODAY reported that according to a memo the Pentagon sent to the longstanding publication that September 30th, 2020 would be the last newspaper publication in all forms.

In a heretofore unpublicized recent memo, the Pentagon delivered an order to shutter Stars and Stripes, a newspaper that has been a lifeline and a voice for American troops since the Civil War. The memo orders the publisher of the news organization (which now publishes online as well as in print) to present a plan that “dissolves the Stars and Stripes” by Sept. 15 including “specific timeline for vacating government owned/leased space worldwide.”
“The last newspaper publication (in all forms) will be September 30, 2020,” writes Col. Paul Haverstick Jr., the memo’s author. 

USA TODAY. 09/04/2020

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.