As the days pass, the possibility remains for President Trump to win re-election, but his chances steadily dwindle. He has responded with legal challenges, bluster, baseless charges of conspiracy and unjustifiable claims to entire states.
Many nations are considering their options with a Joe Biden Presidency. Because of Trump’s very public “America First” position (it hasn’t been coherent enough to be called a policy) many traditional allies are showing signs of relief, but other Trump-friendly leaders are displeased.
President Trump’s most dependable friend on the world stage is Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. The Rio Times reports that he has maintained his confidence in Trump in private conversations, and in a conversation with CNN Brasil warned that Trump was facing “interference” and warned that he expected the same in the next Brazilian election.
In unrelated stories, one of Bolsonaro’s sons has been indicted on multiple conspiracy and corruption charges, and Brazil’s Environment Minister is a subject of continuing prosecution whose latest declaration to strip protections from reserved park land was vacated by their Supreme Court
Japan and South Korean leaders have been careful to say nothing positive or negative about either candidate, a tactic mirroring the diplomacy seen in recent weeks when Bibi Netanyahu passed on a chance to attack Biden during a phone call with Trump. Examining the papers and news sites for both countries reveals an obvious preference for Biden, however, which follows naturally considering the friction between Trump and both Asian allies regarding the money charged for military base maintenance. Japan seems more directly pro-Biden, which is particularly noteworthy because the leading party tends to align more historically with American Republicans. Meanwhile, South Korea is voicing hopes that Biden, if he wins, will not return to the permissive Obama policy on North Korea… an unsubtle but indirect slap at Trump’s high-profile affection for the North Korean leader.
In Canada the leadership has been mostly equivocal, generally acknowledging the fact that there is an election in progress and encouraging the process to continue. Only one national Canadian leader has spoken out, Jagmeet Singh of the hard left NDP. He made his feelings clear: “I think it would be better for the world if Trump loses and I hope he loses. “
Prime Minister Modi of India has been touted as one of Trump’s good friends, internationally. This has not been indicated in recent days. Not only has Modi remained quiet about the election results, he conspicuously failed to provide a recommendation to Indian-Americans to vote for Trump which was requested of him in the weeks before the election.
Trump’s actions are hurting some of his allies, as well. Boris Johnson of the UK has been, like most world leaders, silent about his preferences for a final victor. Because of his early positive relations with Trump (which cooled considerably after Johnson took office) he is being pressured to denounce Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. Whereas Bolsonaro has echoed such claims, Johnson refuses to commit in any way, and that weakness is already being used against him by his political enemies… further damage from having even passing allegiance to Trump in the final days of the Trump Presidency.