The news these days is often depressing at worst and frustrating at best. It’s easy to get caught up in the spin cycle and let it get us down. Never fear… The News Blender has you covered. Once a week, we feature Something Good and, in return, all you have to do is tell us something good that has happened to you this week, something you are thankful for, a joke, a cute animal story, an inspiring tale of heroics, a Random Act of Kindness… SOMETHING good!
Today’s Something Good is children, toast, and God. I have two videos that are beyond me describing them and it’s really best if you just watch and smile.
This first video is a 2020 take on kids left in a classroom without a teacher. When you get done watching, you may want some toast too!
Next we have a video of a little girl and her mom that is sure to make you smile this Sunday afternoon.
These kids being adorable is Something Good to start this new week with. Now it’s your turn… Tell me something good!