It’s Wednesday aka Veterans Day.
For Veterans Day the Impeached Lame Duck One-Termer has tweeted 4 times and retweeted 0 times so far.
8:35 a.m. D.C., time.
1. Accuses ABC/Washington Post pollsters of possibly producing “illegal suppression polls.”
On October 28th, 2020 Washington Post published the Post-ABC polls for both Michigan and Wisconsin.

The Guardian reported on October 23rd, 2020, that Wisconsin according to Wisconsin’s election commission as of October 22nd, “1.1 million people had returned their ballots by mail or in person as of Thursday – a record number of early votes for the state. (Wisconsin calls in-person early voting ballots absentee.)” That’s six days before the outlier Post-ABC poll was released.
we are now preparing to win the state…

President-Elect Joe Biden currently has 20,539 more votes than President Throwing a Tantrum.
According to TIME the Trump Campaign Grifters have not filed a lawsuit in the state of Wisconsin, but they have demanded a recount there. In Wisconsin the Grifters can request a recount without filing a lawsuit.
Former Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker on November 4th, via Twitter explained that in 2011 following a recount there was only a swing of 300 votes. He added that 20,000 votes was “a high hurdle.”
8:48 a.m. D.C., time.
2. Shares a Washington Times article.
Authors note: I can’t read the article on my PC, for some reason, it causes it to freeze and forces me to reboot my whole system. I’ve read the article on my phone.
Background first:
A USPS whistleblower named Richard Hopkins a mail carrier from Erie PA, said he saw a supervisor tampering with mail-in ballots. On Tuesday evening the House Oversight Committee Democrats tweeted that Hopkins recanted his story when questioned by investigators according to the USPS Inspector General.
Shortly after the Washington Post reported that “A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three officials briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee.”
Hopkins then posted a video via Twitter denying that he recanted his allegations.
Chief legal counsel for Project Veritas, Jered Ede, according to the Washington Times “accused investigators of coercing Hopkins into signing an affidavit recanting his claims; falling to give him access to his attorney and refusing to provide him with a copy of the signed document.”
Ede is quoted as saying; It was coerced. They forced him to execute this watered-down lukewarm affidavit. They did so during an interrogation where again they denied him the opportunity to be represented by counsel even though he confirmed with them that he had a counsel.”
Hopkins did not return a request for comment when approached by the Washington Post.
9:03 a.m. D.C., time.
3. Gets his first Twitter label of the day, after putting a giant target on the back of a Republican Philadelphia City Commissioner.
Why is Schmidt on One-termers Cry-babies shit list? Because he dared to say that those wild voter fraud “fantastical” things he has seen on social media, “have no basis in fact at all.”
He then had the nerve to remind us, that we should “be mindful” of the liars on the internet who are attempting to undermine the voting and vote counting process.
"People should be mindful that there are bad actors who are lying to them. And they need to turn to people that they trust and to sources of information that they trust, and not rumors and not nonsense included in lawsuits or anything else like that…" – @Commish_Schmidt pic.twitter.com/ZDFock1qyj
— Alli Hedges Maser (@AllisonLHedges) November 11, 2020
Speaking of Pennsylvania on Tuesday the Secretary of State reported that just 10,000 ballots came in between November 3 and November 6th.

Currently President-elect Biden leads by 47,591 votes in PA, without the ballots that have been set aside.
For What it’s Worth:
Georgia’s Secretary of State has announced a “full, by hand recount of each county”.
Just in an attempt to ease minds, currently the EC votes have Biden without AZ, GA, and North Carolina at 279. The Whiny One-Termer is at 217, without those same three states. If and I stress the IF, One-termer were to take AZ (11), GA (16), and North Carolina (15), he would finish the Presidential Election with 259 which is short the 270 needed to be reelected for a second-term.
Idiot Cry-Baby will win North Carolina he’s up some 74,000 votes, however, in order to win the whole thing, he needs PA to flip, something unlikely to happen, given President-Elect Biden’s lead there.
10:07 a.m. D.C., time.
4. Uses a picture of himself to acknowledge Veterans Day.
We from the News Blender offer our heartfelt thanks to those who have served in the military. May God Bless you.
It was reported on Tuesday that One-termer Can’t be Assed to Wear a Mask was going to his golf course today. I can’t confirm that is true.
This post might be updated.
This is an open thread
It’s gonna feel much longer than that.