TNB Night Owl – Mitsu Desu

Koike Yuriko & Shinzo Abe, official photo from the Office of the Prime Minister of Japan

In the beginning of the year, details were first being discovered about the mechanisms for transmission of the novel coronavirus. The Governor of Tokyo, Koike Yuriko, was the Japanese point person when it came to disseminating information to the press and general citizenry. At an early press conference, the reporters crowded in as usual and she became visibly irritated, saying “Mitsu!” sternly. “Mitsu” translates to “three” but is currently used in casual conversation as a slang term for crowding. “Mitsu Desu” translates specifically to “It is three” but in current use has come to mean “you’re too close”.

The press conference went viral. It was a moment of connection between a politician and the populace. Not only was this official warning everyone about social distancing, she really understood its value. She wasn’t merely rattling off the latest commands from on high to the hoi polloi, she was concerned for her own safety and the safety of others. Her political stock rose dramatically (she has since won re-election in a landslide, beating her nearest competitor by more than 45 percentage points) and her face started to appear on everything from t-shirts to towels.

Japan being Japan, they also made video games and a hit novelty remix from it.

If you’re curious, you can play one of the games, originally designed for smartphones, here. The grey button on the left side (down a little bit in the center of the screen) is easy mode and the green button is for normal play. You move the mouse and click, and you push people way. The little figure who holds up masks is the one person you can safely let into your circle, and it’s a cartoon of the Assistant Governor.

Starting at level two on the standard mode, some of the people start walking toward you. It seems they might want a selfie with the Governor, but she’s not keen on the notion.

And of course, the video for the song…

Proof positive that you don’t have to approach something seriously in order to treat it seriously.

Question of the night: What’s your favorite smartphone game?

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About AlienMotives 1991 Articles
Ex-Navy Reactor Operator turned bookseller. Father of an amazing girl and husband to an amazing wife. Tired of willful political blindness, but never tired of politics. Hopeful for the future.