What Fresh Hell is This? Christmas Eve’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday aka CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!

Christmas Eve also marks What Fresh Hell is This?, Day 50. That’s right it’s been 50 Days since *November 3rd, 2020.

*I count from November 4th through today*

For What Fresh Hell is This?, Day 50, and Christmas Eve, The Grinch, Who’s Heart Will Not Grew 3 Sizes, has tweeted 2 times and retweeted zero times so far.

8:23 a.m. D.C., time.

1. Campaign ad, saying he won in a landslide victory and the election was rigged.

The video is 1 minute long. The voice over intones cheerfully that the Impeached One-Termer Grinch that Is Attempting to Steal the Election, had a historic election night for the first 31 seconds. But then, the voice over turns sad saying in a solemn tone that some states “rushed out,” absentee ballots, adding, that was a “recipe for fraud”. The voice over continues at the 36 second mark saying “dead people voted”. Like a miracle ballots appeared out of thin air!

At the 58 second mark to conclude the straight-up propaganda bullshit campaign ad, we are encouraged to “call our legislators today!”.

If this sounds familiar, or looks it, your not misremembering, or confusing his election fraud lies, according to Trump Twitter Archive he’s shared the video 3 times including the above. He retweeted the same video on December 13th, 2020.

The first video, sans comment was shared on December 11th, and shared it again without comment on December 16th, 2020.

8:32 a.m. D.C., time.

2. Another video without comment.

This time the video is 30 seconds long, with the voice over starting out sharing an ABC News tweet. The video does not show the date or timestamp of the tweet shared.

After sharing the November 3rd tweet, the voice over and on screen text says “trunks of ballots,” were found after election observers, who thought counting was over for the night, went home. This is based on “security footage” that shows the found “trunks of ballots,” being pulled out from under tables.

At the 15 second mark, the shrill voice over says “the media won’t admit it,” but it’s “on video.”

At the 23 second mark after both the voice over and the text in the clip say “it’s OUTRAGEOUS,” they ask that we call our legislators and governor with the text reading, “Demand they hear the evidence and Help President Trump!”.

As with the first video this second video was paid for by “Donald J Trump for President, INC., and “Approved by Donald J. Trump.”

According to Trump Twitter Archive last Christmas Eve, he tweeted 10 times, before he retweeted the White House Twitter account wishing us a Merry Christmas.

8:18 D.C., time on December 24th, 2019.

11:04 a.m. D.C., time.

President Elect Joe Biden tweeted:

It was his first tweet in 13 hours.

Personal news: As happens every Christmas season, I will be out among the “masses” Christmas shopping, yeah, I’m that girl. Anyhoo, Orange Man, is in Florida, golfing, I’m assuming he’ll tweet again, updating, might not be a thing today.

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas Eve, please be safe, happy, and stay healthy my friends. God Bless you, and yours.

We are getting closer to…

Can’t come soon enough…

This is an open thread

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About Tiff 2892 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.