What Fresh Hell is This? Tuesday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday aka December 1st.

We are 7 days away from “Safe Harbor” day; [CBS News]–Federal law says states have until six days before members of the Electoral College gather in person to certify election results and determine their electors, a date known as the “safe harbor” deadline.

There are 24 shopping days left until Christmas.

For What Fresh Hell is This?, Day 28 the Impeached Lying Liar that Lies has lied aka tweeted 10 times and retweeted 5 times.

Our meltdown started @ 12:03 a.m. D.C., time.

1. Tweets out what appears to be made-up news.

I’ve Googled, I even Binged, and so far, the “news articles” I’m getting returned are using the tweet as their source for the news, that a Nevada Judge ordered this inspection.

Via Google:

Google Search. 11/30/2020 & 12/01/2020.

Newsweek writes: The president previously made allegations of irregularities in Nevada and tweeted shortly after midnight about equipment being examined in Clark County. Trump did not specify further details on the order. Newsweek has contacted the Trump campaign for further comment.

Newsweek says connects the Nevada news to Sidney “the Kraken,” Powell’s appearance on Hannity.

She says at the 58 second mark that her co-counsel in the Flynn case Jessie Binnall got a court order in Nevada today [Monday] to inspection the machines. They reached out to Binnall for comment but so far, it’s crickets.

Via Bing:

Bing Search. 12/01/2020.

Newsmax writes: President Donald Trump tweeted early on Tuesday that a Nevada judge has ordered Clark County officials to permit an inspection of the equipment and sealed containers used in the November election. The president did not reveal any more details about the order, other than saying that the inspection was supposed to take place by the afternoon.

To recap: Crazy Kraken tells Sean “I don’t vet” Hannity that Binnall got some discovery order on his Fox News show, at shortly after midnight D.C., time, the Impeached Liar tweets it out, without citing his source. I and others like me, search the interwebs to discover that the source for the “stories” is just the Impeached Liar’s tweet. #Winning.

8:48 a.m. D.C., time.

2. Shares a tweet showing old CNN footage about Smartmatic software via Melissa Tate #StopTheSteal.

Dominionvoting.com has debunked several of the allegations that have been leveled against them, you can find the current list here.

Number 8 on the list explains: DOMINION IS NOT, AND HAS NEVER BEEN, OWNED BY SMARTMATIC. Dominion is an entirely separate company and a fierce competitor to Smartmatic.

Dominion and Smartmatic do not collaborate in any way and have no affiliate relationships or financial ties. Dominion does not use Smartmatic software.

The only associations the companies have ever had were:

– In 2009, Smartmatic licensed Dominion machines for use in the Philippines.  The contract ended in a lawsuit.

– In 2010, Dominion purchased certain assets from Sequoia, a private U.S. Company.  Smartmatic, a previous owner of Sequoia, pursued legal actions against Dominion.

Dominion did not acquire Smartmatic and/or its software from Sequoia.


The company has released a statement regarding The Kraken’s bullshit smear campaign writing in part: Powell makes a number of allegations that go beyond Dominion’s role in Georgia’s elections—which is only to provide the ballot tabulation systems. For the record, again, Dominion does not develop voter-registration systems, poll-books, signature verification software, or provide vote-by-mail printing. These parts of the voting process are instead supported by other companies and controlled by the state and local officials who run elections in hundreds of thousands of voting places across the country.

They go on to list several claims from the Nutjob lawyer they conclude their statement by writing: Sidney Powell’s wild and reckless allegations are not only demonstrably false, they have led to stalking, harassment, and death threats to Dominion employees. This criminal activity has been duly reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and we intend to hold Ms. Powell, and those aiding and abetting her fraudulent actions, accountable for any harm that may occur as a result.

8:53 a.m. D.C., time.

3. Agrees that the Governor of Nevada spent millions building a fake covid-19 hospital in a parking garage while also claiming their election results were “Fake.”

Jacob Keeper posted his tweet on November 29th, 2020. There is no mention of a “parking garage” hospital. The Governor tweeted his thanks on November 30th, 2020.

Keeper links to renownhealth who’s Twitter bio says:

@renownheath. 12/01/2020.

Las Vegas Review-Journal reported on November 14th, that “Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno on Thursday opened in its parking garage a medical unit for COVID-19 patients, whose growing numbers have alarmed hospital officials.”

They go on to say; The $11 million unit, built in 10 days in April, is designed to treat COVID-19 patients who are stable or improving, not those requiring emergency or intensive care. It is currently treating three patients, with two more expected. The hospital can treat as many as 700 people on the ground floor of the parking garage and, if needed, another 700 on a secondary floor. Staff, technology, supplies, equipment and services are all in place, according to the hospital.

Our almost former President is an asshole, he’s using some random tweet that lies about a parking garage hospital, during a pandemic, in order to frame Nevada’s election as also fake.

New York Times 2020 Presidential Election map. 12/01/2020.

President-Elect Biden: 703,486
President Loser D-Bag: 669,890
Vote Difference: 33,596.

According to 270towin.com the last time Nevada voted for the Republican candidate for President was 2004.

Nevada Presidential voting history 270towin.com. 12/01/2020.

8:56 a.m. D.C., time.

4. Shares a chart.

8:59 a.m. D.C., time.

5. Lies and says “we” won Michigan.

New York Times 2020 Presidential Election map. 12/01/2020.
Michigan Presidential voting history 270towin.com. 12/01/2020.

9:03 a.m. D.C., time.

6. Shares a new conspiracy theory.

The article is based on tweets. See, this is where we get into the weeds with the Impeached President’s tweeting. Do I share the tweets, or do I not, because they are just tweets posted by some dude named Matt Johnstone. Who posted two tweeted videos of watching trucks loading what he says are dominion machines. Since there is no way of verifying the information I will not be displaying them, I will link them, here, and here.

9:19 a.m. D.C., time.

7. Quotes his Fox & Friends.

Reminder: September 9th, 2020, we found out that President Liar in private knew the coronavirus was airborne and more deadly than the flu, and then publicly lied about it.

9:29 a.m. D.C., time.

8. Shares a Tucker Carlson clip.

It’s an 8 minute and 50 second clip. I made 7 seconds.

Carlson: And one other thing. The countries public health establishment has tortured your children for eight months for no apparent reason.

I stopped there.

CDC data as of 11/30/2020.

9:29 a.m. D.C., time.

9. Shares a Sean Hannity clip.

He tells his viewers to ignore the media, it’s “fake, phony,” and selective. He goes on to whine that he doesn’t care about the “media mob’s sanctimonious outrage”, [Ben Shapiro hardest hit]. We shouldn’t care what the media tells us is offensive, according to Hannity. He says the media lied to us for 4 years, about the Russia investigation peddling in conspiracy theories, [Seth Rich’s family says fuck you Hannity].

The clip is 7 minutes and 16 seconds, I made 1 minute and 21 seconds, but let’s skip to the end of this clip, where Hannity tells his audience the truth. With a photo of One-Termer, President-Elect Biden, and Former President Obama captioned with the words Media Malpractice, Hannity says without awareness of self or a hint of irony; We are not the media mob. This show, we in this hour, I am not told what to say. I don’t vet the information on this program that I give out [yeah, we noticed], we have always been independent, follow our own path on this show. That’s not going to change for me ever [he doesn’t vet the information he shares, let that sink-in]. [He adds without a hint of the irony needed to hear the words coming out of his mouth] We vetted Obama…[see?].

9:29 a.m. D.C., time.

10. Shares a clip for OAN.

It’s a 2 minute and 39 second clip, in which she starts by saying, “as America hears testimony regarding allegations of voter fraud…” we aren’t hearing testimony, we are hearing allegations of voter fraud by people who peddle in conspiracy theories.

The news spot is based on a Federalist article that says it’s impossible that President-Elect Biden won the election without cheating. They flash the article on the screen titled “5 More Way Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms.”

They continue to explain the repeated lies that the election was stolen according to Impeached One-termer’s supporters, all 74 million of them…

He retweeted a video of another “hearing” aka a press conference regarding alleged but unproven mass election and voter fraud.


In roughly 2 minutes he’s posted 9 more tweets. He has since added 3 more tweets.

1:51 p.m. D.C., time.
1:51 p.m. D.C., time.
1:51 p.m. D.C., time.
1:51 p.m. D.C., time.
1:52 p.m. D.C., time.
1:52 p.m. D.C., time.
1:52 p.m. D.C., time.
1:52 p.m. D.C., time.
1:52 p.m. D.C., time.

Tweets 11-19 are all clips from the hearing that wasn’t in Arizona clips and the Michigan “hearing” happening today. All clips provided by OAN.

11. 1 minute and 12 seconds long.

The clip is playing clips from two callers who were called to verify if the caller had requested an absentee ballot those callers say no. And that’s pretty much where the clip ends.

12. 1 minute and 19 seconds long.

Shares the video clip of the chart shared in tweet #4.

13. 1 minute and 7 seconds long.

In this clip the Idiots lawyer Rudy Delude questions a “witness,” asking if he would have certified the Arizona results as the Secretary of State and Governor did on Monday. The man says no, because if he was an executive with a publicly traded company he would risk jail-time signing off on results [I guess they many fake election results] he goes on to add, that he’d have resigned as SoS or Governor before certifying this election. All of this is best on the man’s belief the numbers are fraudulent.

He ends by saying: My sister asked me a simple question this morning. She goes “how sure are you?”, and my sister is a pretty stubborn person like me, and I said “I’d be willing to put my life on it.”, I’m that sure, about the analysis–assuming that the data I got from the state and everything else was accurate. So if you give me all [inaccurate data?] from everywhere, that’s my only caveat. [I am dumber having listened to that 1 minute and 7 seconds, save yourselves.]

14. 41 seconds long.

Without context, it’s hard to know what county in Arizona she’s talking about, but apparently according to the “witness” she says that the counting room thought they were done, but then more trucks showed up with ballots, and she asked why nobody in charge of the counting knew how many ballots were coming in.

15. 1 minute and 3 seconds long.

I assume this witness was a poll watcher who observed screeners screening ballots with low confidence in matching signatures. She was there, where ever there is in Arizona, for the afternoon and asked someone what low confidence yellow bar meant, and the person, she said, “not to worry about that.”

We move to the Michigan hearing that isn’t really a hearing or maybe it is.

16. 33 seconds long.

Again, out of context, the “witness” says not one military ballots was a registered voter, she adds, that the ballots looked all the same, like “xeroxed copies,” that were all for President-Elect Biden. Not a single Asshole vote. And none of them were registered so they overrode the system by giving the voters a birthday of 1-1-2020 [This might sound stupid, but how would that birthday work, considering you have to be 18 to vote?]. She says she saw several non-registered voters being entered that way, throughout the day.

17. 2 minutes and 18 seconds.

This witness says she was a poll challenger and if she attempted to challenge a ballot, she has poll workers shouting at her to get back. And she continues to say that many of the ballots weren’t absentee ballots, they were all different with the poll worker entering these random ballots into a electronic poll book.

18. 1 minute and 27 seconds.

Ballots were rolling in between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., asked why he didn’t ask a supervisor about this dolled in ballots in the middle of the night, he says, “I didn’t figure I needed to. Because the lead counsel that was suppose to be there was taking tallies, and I was there standing right next to him, so I figured he was kind of the person that was overseeing the whole night. That’s what we were told.”

19. 33 seconds.

The “witness” says in the room he was watching, poll workers were mean to Republican poll watchers, he is an unaffiliated Michigan voter trained by the GOP to poll watch.

Non-video clip tweets related to the Michigan “hearing.”

2:31 p.m. D.C., time.
2:34 p.m. D.C, time.

20 & 21. Please watch my fans attempt to undermine the 2020 Presidential election.

2:40 p.m. D.C., time.

22. A whistleblower has come forward.

From the article: In an interview with The Associated Press, Barr said U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but they’ve uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome of the election.

To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.

[Barr doesn’t name The Krakan, but] There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that.

There’s a growing tendency to use the criminal justice system as sort of a default fix-all, and people don’t like something they want the Department of Justice to come in and ‘investigate’.

Most claims of fraud are very particularized to a particular set of circumstances or actors or conduct. They are not systemic allegations and. And those have been run down; they are being run down. Some have been broad and potentially cover a few thousand votes. They have been followed up on.

AG Barr as quoted by AP News. 12/01/2020.

I assume the busiest lame-duck in history of lame-ducks, will phone a friend and lie about how he was robbed during the Michigan presser.

This post might be updated.

This is an open thread

So many days away….

Even longer away…

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2892 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.