Biden’s First 100 Days; Tuesday’s Open Thread

Pardon Our Mess. Photo by Marty Mankins.

It’s Tuesday.

Today marks Day 6 of the Biden Administration first 100 Days.

NBC News is reporting that this afternoon President Biden plans to sign executive actions to advance his plan for racial equity.

According to an administration official, one such action will “mandate that the Department of Housing and Urban Development promote equitable housing policies.”

He is also expect to use executive action to “disavow racism and xenophobia, including that directed at Asian Americans in the wake of Covid-19”.

This executive action follows executive orders that President Biden signed on Wednesday shortly after he was sworn-in that directed the “federal government to “pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality””.

On Monday the Senate confirmed Janet Yellen, in a vote 84 to 15, as the next Treasury Secretary. Yellen is expected to be sworn-in this afternoon by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Also on Monday the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Tony Blinken, President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of State to the Senate for a full vote, which is expected sometime Tuesday afternoon.

In the past Administration News…

CNN is reporting that the Republican Poodle Haired Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul according to GOP sources “may try to force a procedural vote as soon as today on whether the Senate trial of former President Trump is constitutional, according to a GOP source familiar with the matter.”

The Senators will be sworn-in formally as jurors in the upcoming Senate Trial this afternoon, even though the actual trial isn’t set until February 8th, 2021.

In Press Briefing News.

As mentioned on Monday, during her press briefing Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that starting on Wednesday, health officials will hold public briefings regarding the coronavirus. She said, these public briefings would likely occur three times a week for the foreseeable future.

For What it’s worth; she also announced on Monday that an American Sign Language interpreter will appear at all White House press briefings.

Tuesday’s daily briefing is scheduled for 12:30 D.C., time, and will include Susan Rice, President Biden’s domestic policy adviser who is expected to speak about the executive actions President Biden is expected to take this afternoon.

Live Feeds.

Washington Post.


Yahoo News.

Since they’ve added a second Presidential address to President Biden’s schedule regarding the coronavirus pandemic. I will be placing his 2:00 p.m. D.C., time remarks here. There will be a separate article for his 4:45 p.m. D.C., time remarks.

Live Feeds for President Biden’s remarks.


The White House.

CBS News.

In Other News…

The Washington Post is reporting that “The commander of the D.C. National Guard said the Pentagon restricted his authority ahead of the riot at the U.S. Capitol, requiring higher level sign-off to respond that cost time as the events that day spiraled out of control”.

Major General William Walker, is quoted as saying in an interview; All military commanders normally have immediate response authority to protect property, life, and in my case, federal functions — federal property and life. But in this instance I did not have that authority.

They go on to say that Walker and former Army secretary Ryan McCarthy are appearing before the House Appropriations Committee behind closed doors on Tuesday to offer insight into the insurrection that took place on January 6th, 2021.

There is also this, just reported by the New York Times.

Yogananda D. Pittman, the acting chief of police, also confirmed that the Capitol Police Board, an obscure panel made up of three voting members, had initially declined a request two days earlier for National Guard troops and then delayed for more than an hour as the violence unfolded on Jan. 6 before finally agreeing to a plea from the Capitol Police for National Guard troops, according to prepared testimony obtained by The New York Times.
In an extraordinary admission, Ms. Pittman, who was not the acting chief at the time of the siege, told members of the House Appropriations Committee, which oversees funding for the agency, that the Capitol Police “failed to meet its own high standards as well as yours.” She added, “I am here to offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of the department.”

New York Times. 01/26/2021

I cannot stress enough how livid I am as more information comes out. Also, I’d like to note, all this talk of “don’t impeach,” from the Republicans, is grating on my every lovin’ nerve. Here’s why, two things, he’s already been impeached for his inciting insurrection. What the Senators will decided is an informal removal plus ability to bar the asshole from political office. He is now the Doubled Impeached former President.

The second thing, he’s already impeached for inciting insurrection, do you remember the hours, the money, the behind closed doors investigation into Benghazi? I do. I was there for it, I was supporting of it all. It is not our fault, the Republicans went from “what did Obama know and when did he know it”, to but but but her emails.

It’s not that her using a private non-secure sever to possibly send classified documents, was okay, it’s not, and she should have never been allowed to run for President because of it. It’s that, she was not in charge, she was not President when it happened, Obama was, did he commit an impeachable offense? Likely he did, however, we can’t say as the investigations into what occurred leaving 4 dead, shifted for political reasons, to get Hillary Clinton.

Obviously, that’s just my opinion, and I’m just venting now. So, I’ll stop here.

This is an open thread

Personal note: I have underestimated how much of my own rebuilding I’d have to do following the last administration. By rebuilding I do not mean, my own self, I mean, my internet library of bookmarks, fact-checks, of all those things, I had for the last admin. It’s not so much that the main stream media has changed, it’s that almost every government account has changed. Which I was not aware was an actual thing.

I do apologize for the slowness in which I’m working, but I hope to be better able to be more in depth, in the comings weeks. (See, I was smart that time, and didn’t say by next Monday, as I have in the past only to have to be oops, I didn’t it again).

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I hope y’all have a great day.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.