Watch Live: Biden Offers Remarks on “Made in America” Executive Order

Official portrait of United States Vice President Joe Biden. Photo by David Lienemann.

As covered in Monday’s Open Thread President Biden is scheduled to give his remarks prior to signing an Executive Order to strengthen America manufacturing.

The press release can be found here, as of right now, there is no text offered, but should be available at White, shortly after President Biden signs the Executive Order.

During her 1 p.m. D.C., time daily press briefing Press Secretary Jen Psaki in response to how come President Biden has not issued a statement regarding the ongoing violence in Portland, Or., said that President Biden is taking questions this afternoon adding that President Biden condemns any violence in the strongest of terms.

Side note: Also announced during the press briefing is the addition of “regular” public health briefings. The first briefing is scheduled for Wednesday. Regular =’s three times a week for the foreseeable future.

President Biden’s remarks are scheduled to begin at 3:45 p.m. D.C., time.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.