Watch Live: White House Daily Press Briefing

White House Rose Garden March 17,2020. Photo By Andrea Hanks.

On Thursday, the first full day of the Biden administration, Press Secretary Jen Psaki will offer her second press briefing in a row.

She will likely be asked about a slew of Executive Orders and Actions that the newly sworn-in President has signed in his first 24 hours in office.

On Wednesday evening during the press briefing she was asked about President Biden’s confidence in FBI Director Christopher Wray.

This morning via Twitter Psaki offered more specifics saying she caused an “unintentional ripple” regarding her answer to the question about Wray.

Just before the daily press briefing, President Biden addressed the public prior to signing more Executive Actions regarding the U.S., response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Prior to his actions this afternoon CNN reported that according to sources with direct knowledge of the “new administration’s Covid-related work told CNN one of the biggest shocks that the Biden team had to digest during the transition period was what they saw as a complete lack of a vaccine distribution strategy under former President Donald Trump, even weeks after multiple vaccines were approved for use in the United States.”

One source told CNN that they had nothing to work with and that they were going to have to build everything from scratch.

Full disclosure CNN is the only source of this story, and while I’d typically avoid mentioning it in a stand alone article. Psaki’s is almost 99.9 percent guaranteed to be asked about that early Thursday reporting.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.