What Fresh Hell is This? Tuesday’s Open Thread

Pardon Our Mess. Photo by Marty Mankins.

It’s Tuesday.

We are almost there…

It is What Fresh Hell is This?, Day 75.

We start with the outgoing Twice Impeached Asshole news.

We are all currently on Pardon Watch. It was also reported yesterday evening, that he might issue one last hostage tape before he wraps up his last 24 hours in office.

The New York Times reported on Monday, that Impeached Twice, Ha!, could possibly issue as little as 60 pardons to somewhere around 100.

The size and precise composition of the list is still being determined, but it is likely to cover at least 60 pardons or commutations and perhaps more than 100. Already, Mr. Trump has been making calls to some of the recipients, people briefed about them said, and he held another meeting about the topic on Monday afternoon.

[The names as appeared in opening paragraphs of the article].

Those under consideration include such disparate figures as Sheldon Silver, the disgraced former New York Assembly speaker, and the rapper Lil Wayne, who pleaded guilty last month to a gun charge. Rudolph W. Giuliani says he does not expect one, and Stephen K. Bannon’s chances seem to have dimmed. Mixed in among the big names, low-level drug offenders are under consideration.

As President Trump enters the final hours of his term, he has been intently focused on who should benefit from his clemency power. Along with the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, and advisers including Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Trump has spent days sifting through names and recommendations, assembling a list that officials say he intends to disclose on Tuesday, his last full day in office.

New York Times. 01/18/2021.

CNN reported the possible hostage video on Monday evening.

In Insurrection news…

This is just a small update, more people have been arrested in connection with their coup attempt gone bad on January 6th, 2021, but here is a small sampling of new documents.

The MSM wants you to believe that ONLY ANTIFA stormed the Capital. 

Yeah, it was the MSM that labeled it an ANTIFA operation….

This one said storming the capitol was a “good time”.

I hope they have a great time in prison.

In Inauguration news.

AP News is reporting that “Two U.S. Army National Guard members are being removed from the security mission to secure Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration. A U.S. Army official and a senior U.S. intelligence official say the two National Guard members have been found to have ties to fringe right group militias. No plot against Biden was found.

On Tuesday evening President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris will speak at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool to honor the lives lost to the coronavirus.

As of Sunday afternoon the CDC reported that 394,495 have died due to the coronavirus.

There will be a live thread for the first memorial event to honor the lives lost.

Tuesday is a busy day news.

Just for fun news…(it’s not news)…

I’m sorry, that last one makes me LOL….

This is an open thread

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2880 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.