Biden’s First 100 Day’s; Thursday’s Open Thread

Pardon Our Mess. Photo by Marty Mankins.

It’s Thursday.

We have reached the half-way point of President Biden’s first 100 day’s in office.

That’s right, today marks day 50.

For day 50 President Biden will receive his daily brief. At 3:15 p.m. D.C., time, he and Vice President Harris will receive their weekly economic briefing. And 50 days after taking office, President Biden will address the public in prime time at 8:02 p.m. D.C., time.

President Biden’s address is reportedly under 20 minutes long and according to aides–they expect him to focus on the sacrifices made over the last year.

I struggle with days like today. So many lives lost, so many, and as I have repeated so many times, the former douchebag knew, knew how bad and dangerous the virus was. But instead of just saying that to the public, he said the virus was just another democrat hoax–overblown to make him the great and powerful dummy look bad and that “like a miracle” it would just disappear.

I know, we’ve moved on–that days look brighter, but man, when the reflection hits, especially, in our face, it’s hard not to struggle, it’s hard not to recall the impeached assholes days early in this pandemic, lies, so many lies, so much bullshit-clown show stuff. Lives lost, relationships harmed, friendships upended over a piece of cloth intended to protect everyone. The list is as they say endless, but every time, we reflect on 2020, now, my auto response is, he knew, and did nothing.

Now, hopefully with that said, in the open thread versus before President Biden’s address thread, I will struggle less.

In other news that makes me happy…

It’s being reported that on his first day in office, Garland will be fully briefed on the insurrection that occurred on January 6th, 2021.

Prior to his briefings, he spoke to the Department of Justice staff.

We now move on with our regularly scheduled program.

President Biden added 7 tweets to Wednesday bringing his total tweets for Wednesday to 8.

As suspected, he tweeted several times regarding the passage of the American Rescue Plan.

2:18 p.m. D.C., time.

2:53 p.m. D.C., time.

At 3:38 p.m. D.C., time he shares a live feed to remarks given during an event with Johnson & Johnson and Merck.

He thanks Congress for passing the American Rescue Plan during his remarks.

Full remarks can be found @ White

You know, that’s why the American Rescue Plan was so critical.  I want to thank Speaker Pelosi and the House of Representatives today for passing the bill, and I will be signing it into law shortly. 

This bill represents a historic — historic victory for the American people.  I look forward to signing it later this week. 

Everything in the American Rescue Plan addresses a real need, including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort: more vaccines, more vaccinators, and more vaccinations sites.  Millions more Americans will get tested, including home testing.  Schools will soon have the funding and resources to reopen safely — a national imperative.

The American Rescue Plan, the partnership between Johnson & Johnson and Merck, proves we can do big things, important things in this country. 


The video is 15 minutes and 48 seconds long, President Biden’s remarks start right around the 5 minute or so mark of the feed. The quoted comments appear at the 11 minute and 52 second mark.

At 5:30 p.m. D.C., time he thanks everyone who voted to support the American Rescue Plan.

6:33 p.m. D.C., time he says that “checks are on the way”.

He sent one tweet at 9:19 p.m. D.C., time unrelated to passage of the American Rescue Plan.

For the roll call vote @

His last tweet for Wednesday was sent at 10:35 p.m. D.C., time where he shared a World War II quote.

The slogan “Together We Can Do It!” appeared on a poster and called for unity between labor and management of GM. The poster can be viewed at

During his remarks posted above he also invoked World War II saying; During World War Two, one of the country’s slogans was “We are all in this together.”  “We are all in this together.”  And companies took that slogan to heart.  For example, when one automaker didn’t have the capacity to build enough jeeps, so a competitor stepped in to help.  Competing airline makers teamed up, and they produced parts for each other and gave the American pilots, as a consequence of that, control of the skies.

In Googling that quote, I stumbled on this video posted at It’s 42 minutes long and is geared to what students were doing during the war effort. It’s a virtual field trip.

It’s a bit on the cheesy side, but it made me smile…

Aside from the tweets and remarks made on video, President Biden also offered a statement posted at White, where he announced his intent to sign the bill on Friday.

For weeks now, an overwhelming percentage of Americans – Democrats, Independents, and Republicans – have made it clear they support the American Rescue Plan. Today, with final passage in the House of Representatives, their voice has been heard.

Now we move forward with the resources needed to vaccinate the nation. To get $1,400 in direct payments to 85% of American households. To expand coverage and help with lowering health care premiums. To give small businesses what they need to stay open. To expand unemployment insurance, provide food and nutrition assistance. To help keep a roof over people’s heads. To cut child poverty in half.

This legislation is about giving the backbone of this nation – the essential workers, the working people who built this country, the people who keep this country going – a fighting chance.

I want to thank all the members who voted for it, especially Speaker Pelosi, the finest and most capable speaker in the history of our nation. Once again, she has led into law an historic piece of legislation that addresses a major crisis and lifts up millions of Americans.

On Friday, I look forward to signing the American Rescue Plan into law at the White House – a people’s law at the people’s house.

White 03/10/2021.

On Thursday President Biden has tweeted 1 time and retweeted 1 time, so far.

10:15 p.m. D.C., time he says that one in four adults in the U.S., have now received their first COVID-19 vaccine.

The one and four stat came from Andy Slavitt, White House Senior Advisor.

According to the CDC as of 8 p.m. eastern time yesterday, when their data is updated, 95.7 million vaccines have been administered.

White House Press Briefing is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. D.C., time.

Live Feed: White House.

This is an open thread

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About Tiff 2900 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.