It’s Thursday.
This Thursday marks President Biden’s 78th day in office.
For day 78–President Biden will receive his daily brief. At 11:45 a.m. D.C., time, he and Attorney General Merrick Garland will deliver remarks on gun violence prevention. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden will also attend the event. After President Biden offers remarks he will lunch with his Vice President Kalama Harris. Late this afternoon the President and Vice President will receive a COVID-19 briefing.
For Wednesday President Biden tweeted 7 times and retweeted 0 times. All the tweets focus on remarks made Wednesday regarding the American Jobs Plan released on March 31st.
2:05 p.m. D.C., time he shares a live feed to his remarks.
4:24 p.m. D.C., time he says; Above all, infrastructure is about meeting the needs of the nation and putting Americans to work to get the job done.
5:43 p.m. D.C., time he as American’s we just don’t “fix” for today, “we build for tomorrow.”
6:17 p.m. D.C., time he explains that “infrastructure has always evolved.”
7:00 p.m. D.C., time he says that 200 hundreds ago trains weren’t considered “traditional” infrastructure.
7:45 p.m. D.C., time he shares a video snip from his remarks.
8:30 p.m. D.C., time same thing.
The video is 46 minutes and 56 seconds long. President Biden starts speaking at the 21 minute and 22 second mark. His full remarks can be found @ White House.gov.
The White House YouTube video is 24 minutes and 53 seconds long.
For today’s cue marks, I will be using the YouTube video.
President Biden (7:53): Above all, infrastructure is about meeting the needs of a nation and putting Americans to work and being able to do and get paid for doing — having good jobs. Plumbers and pipefitters replacing those, literally, thousands of miles of — of dangerous lead pipes. They’re still out there.
The above tweet is linked with his next tweet.
The above 1 minute and 12 second video snip is also connected to this tweet:
President Biden (2:10): [This quote is the full snip of the 1 minute and 12 second video]. Now, since I announced this plan, I’ve heard from my Republican friends say that it’s — many of them say it’s too big. They say, “Why not focus on traditional infrastructure, fix what we’ve already got — the roads and the highways that exist and the bridges?” I’m happy to have that debate. But I’d like to tell you my view. We are America. We don’t just fix for today; we build for tomorrow. Two hundred years ago, trains weren’t “traditional” infrastructure either until America made a choice to lay down tracks across the country. Highways weren’t “traditional” infrastructure until we allowed ourselves to imagine that roads could connect our nation across state lines. The idea of infrastructure has always evolved to meet the aspirations of the American people and their needs, and it’s evolving again today.
President Biden (2:57) [This quote is the full snip of the 53 second video]: We need to start seeing infrastructures through its effect on the lives of working people in America. What is the foundation today that they need to carve out their place in the middle class to make it — to live, to go to work, to raise their families with dignity, to ensure that good jobs will be there for their kids, no matter who they are or what ZIP Code they live in? That’s what infrastructure means in the 21st century. It still depends on roads and bridges, ports and airports, rail and mass transit, but it also depends on having reliable, high-speed Internet in every home. Because today’s high-speed Internet is infrastructure.
President Biden (5:49) [This quote is the full snip of the 56 second video]: Ask the moms and dads in the “sandwich generation” — the folks carrying enormous personal and financial strains trying to raise their children and care for their parents — their elderly parents or members of their families with a disability. Ask them what sort of infrastructure they need to build a little better life, to be able to breathe a little bit.
For Thursday his first tweet posted at 11:17 a.m. D.C., time also focuses on remarks made on Wednesday.
President Biden (18:52) [This quote is the full snip of the 35 second video] Whatever part- — partisan divisions there are around other issues, there don’t have to be around this one. The divisions of the moment shouldn’t stop us from doing the right thing for the future. These aren’t Republican bridges, Democratic airports, Republican hospitals, or a Democratic power grid. Think of the transcontinental railroad, Interstate Highway System, or the Space Race. We’re one nation, united and connected.
President Biden’s remarks from the Rose Garden follow the White House announcement that the Biden-Harris Administration are taking initial actions to address “the gun violence public health epidemic.”
From the fact-sheet posted on Wednesday:
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing six initial actions to address the gun violence public health epidemic. The President is committed to taking action to reduce all forms of gun violence – community violence, mass shootings, domestic violence, and suicide by firearm.
President Biden is reiterating his call for Congress to pass legislation to reduce gun violence.
But this Administration will not wait for Congress to act to take its own steps – fully within the Administration’s authority and the Second Amendment – to save lives. Today, the Administration is announcing the following six initial actions:
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
- The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.”
We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes. When these firearms turn up at crime scenes, they often cannot be traced by law enforcement due to the lack of a serial number. The Justice Department will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of these firearms.
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
- The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act.
The alleged shooter in the Boulder tragedy last month appears to have used a pistol with an arm brace, which can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable.
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
- The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states.
Red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others. The President urges Congress to pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own. In the interim, the Justice Department’s published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do so.
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
- The Administration is investing in evidence-based community violence interventions.
Community violence interventions are proven strategies for reducing gun violence in urban communities through tools other than incarceration. Because cities across the country are experiencing a historic spike in homicides, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking a number of steps to prioritize investment in community violence interventions.
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
Shortly after the release of the fact-sheet regarding the initial actions the Biden-Harris Administration are taking to address gun violence the White House also issued a more detailed fact-sheet on the Biden Harris Administration’s “Investments in Community Violence Interventions.”
- The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking.
In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) issued a report summarizing information regarding its investigations into firearms trafficking, which is one way firearms are diverted into the illegal market where they can easily end up in the hands of dangerous individuals. Since the report’s publication, states, local, and federal policymakers have relied on its data to better thwart the common channels of firearms trafficking. But there is good reason to believe that firearms trafficking channels have changed since 2000, for example due to the emergence of online sales and proliferation of “ghost guns.” The Justice Department will issue a new, comprehensive report on firearms trafficking and annual updates necessary to give policymakers the information they need to help address firearms trafficking today.
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
The last action President Biden lists in the fact-sheet is the name of the person he intends to nominate as the Director of the ATF.
- The President will nominate David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
ATF is the key agency enforcing our gun laws, and it needs a confirmed director in order to do the job to the best of its ability. But ATF has not had a confirmed director since 2015. Chipman served at ATF for 25 years and now works to advance commonsense gun safety laws.
White House.gov. 04/07/2021.
President Biden remarks are scheduled to start at 11:45 a.m. D.C., time.
Live Feed: The White House.
The daily press briefing is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. D.C., time, this time White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki welcomes Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm to the briefing room.
Live Feed: The White House.
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