President Biden Tweets for Friday’s Open Thread

Pardon Our Mess. Photo by Marty Mankins.

It’s Friday!

For Friday, May 14th, 2021, President Biden will have received his daily brief. This afternoon he will meet with six Dreamers with DACA. That event is closed to the press. After his meeting he will receive his weekly economic briefing.

When Thursday’s Open Thread was posted President Biden had tweeted one time. He had a busier than normal Twitter Thursday, issuing 8 more tweets and retweeting 2 times, giving him a total of 9 tweets and 2 retweets for Thursday.

To resume tweeting he shared a live stream feed of his remarks regarding the Colonial Pipeline incident.

The stream is 16 minutes and 3 seconds long. President Biden begins speaking at the 1 minute and 34 second mark. His full remarks can be found here. The timestamp says he spoke from 12:27 p.m., to 12:40 p.m. D.C., time.

He issued two more tweets regarding the Colonial Pipeline incident.

President Biden (4:35): Fourthly, as part of an effort to use every possible means to accelerate fuel deliveries, last night I granted a waiver of the Jones Act to fuel suppliers.  This allows non-U.S. flagged vessels to transport refined fuel products from the Gulf of Mexico to affected areas.  And we’ll grant additional waivers if necessary.  These steps are temporary, but they will remain in place until full service is fully restored. This is a — this is a whole-of-government response to get more fuel more quickly to where it is needed and to limit the pain being felt by American customers.

President Biden (4:23): Put another way: The extraordinary measures the administration has taken, we estimate, sent enough gas to stations to fill the tanks of over 5 million vehicles in the last few days.

In regards to the Colonial Piepline incident, you can find the White House Press Secretary’s statement regarding it’s restart here. The EO that President Biden signed regarding cybersecurity can be found here. There is also a Fact-sheet and a background press call with Biden Admin Senior Officials that explain further the Biden Admin’s response to the ransomware hack.

He issued 4 tweets regarding the new CDC guidelines that say a fully vaccinated person can go maskless inside or outside within reason.

The stream is 16 minutes and 16 seconds long. President Biden’s remarks start at the 1 minute mark. His full remarks can be found here. The timestamp says he spoken from 3:58 p.m., to 4:11 p.m. D.C., time.

President Biden (1:10): Just a few hours ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the CDC — announced that they are no longer recommending that fully vaccinated people need wear masks.  This recommendation holds true whether you are inside or outside.

His next tweet has caused a stir, though as someone who covers the tweets, and is a Twitter girl, I’d say it’s more of a ripple, cause many complaining and sharing their faux outrage have tweeted more outrage things themselves. This just not change my dislike for government officials tweeting, I still do not like it at all. Good Morning, America. Would still make me go ugh.

President Biden (9:09): And for now, after a year of hard work and so much sacrifice, the rule is very simple: Get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.  It’s vax’ed or masked.  Get vaccinated. If you’re vaccinated, you can be around the vaccinated or unvaccinated people.  But if you’re not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated, you should wear a mask for your own protection and the protection of other unvaccinated people.  The choice is yours. 

In case we weren’t sure of the new rule, he shares a 5 second clip of himself from the Oval Office saying get vaccinated or wear a mask.

President Biden: VAXXED OR MASKED.

For his one and only not related to public speaking tweet he says he and “Jill,” send their warmest greetings to “all those celebrating Eid.” says that “Eid, which is Arabic for ‘feast’ or ‘festival’, is celebrated by Muslims to mark significant events in the Islamic lunar calendar. In the 9th month, commonly known as Ramadan, Muslims far and wide observe fasting from dawn to dusk. Eid al-Fitr is the festival of the breaking of fast where family and friends come together to indulge in a spread.

They go on to explain; Eid al-Fitr shouldn’t be confused with the other Eid celebration, Eid al-Adha which is celebrated on the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Eid al-Adha is known as the festival of sacrifice which also follows the completion of the annual Holy Pilgrimage of Hajj. During this time, families partake in the slaughter of animals such as sheep, goats, and cows where the meat is to be shared among neighbours, friends, and those less fortunate. 

He hasn’t tweeted so far for Friday.

The White House daily briefing is scheduled to start at 12:30 p.m. D.C., time.

This is an open thread

This is normally when I say farewell until Monday, but I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you tomorrow! Regardless…


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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.