This is Sunday’s Afternoon Open Thread

Philosophy!? Digital Art 12/11/2018. Image by Rant 73.

It’s Sunday.

We are back for another round of random thoughts, feels, and whatever else I decide as we travel my brain.

Today, my husband, got me Starbucks or what I like to call “crack in a cup,” aren’t you guys lucky!

Anyhoo, this morning’s Twitter scrolling invoked a huge dose of whataboutism in myself.

It really started last night when I saw this tweet…

Vice President Harris issued the tweet heard around the Fox News Newsroom on Saturday at 3:08 p.m. D.C., time or it’s possible it really was 12:08 p.m. CA time…but either way the tweet was sent on Saturday afternoon.

I’d seen the tweet usually accompanied by some outrage that she’d dare say enjoy the long weekend, when the reason for this long weekend, is Memorial Day, a day to recognize fallen soldiers and POW’s.

But it was this one shared by Michael Weyer, in the Note Thread for Saturday, that had me, stewing in a vat of Whataboutism that is mostly I think 100 percent earned, especially by me, a person that has documented the ramblings of the former but still Asshole, via Twitter, and other forms of media.

I ranted a bit to my husband, and then started watching my latest YouTube obsession which is *Beth’s Disney Adventures, finished my polygel nails (that took 4 days), and shook it off, like I was Taylor Swift.

That was until this morning, when I sipping my first cup of coffee prior to the crack in a cup, saw this…

So, I went, in my head, not out loud this time, “what the actual fuck is this bullshit from Fox”…

First, the article was tweeted out at 7:33 p.m. D.C., time or for me, it was 4:33 p.m. CA., time.

@7:55 p.m. D.C, time or 4:55 p.m. CA., time Fox News tweeted this…

*blink blink*

*checks timestamps*

Yep, all on the same day–Saturday, which isn’t Memorial Day.

Now, hypocrisy is fine, it’s not a new normal, in fact, it’s a tale as old as time…

But when the hypocrisy is right there, in our faces, it’s just too much bullshit to ignore. Now, what does the actual article say?

The headline and little excerpt: Vice President Kamala Harris under fire for ‘disrespectful’ tweet; Social media users remind the vice president Memorial Day is to remember fallen soldiers

That’s fair, because the former Still Asshole, did in fact get blasted for his weekend Memorial Day tweets, especially ones like this…

Trump Twitter Archive.

The rest of the article is mostly just tweets blasting the VP.

One stands out…

Yeah…they’ve picked the new guy to inherit the wind, if the other former Still Impeached Asshole, doesn’t make another go of it…

This morning, she tweeted this…

*Now, let me explain Beth’s Disney Adventures. She lives in Florida, was lucky enough to have an annual pass to Disney World, unlike me, who waited too long and now Disneyland has ceased that program, for now, but I digress. Anyhoo, she sometimes alone, or with guests, started this little Disney game, where people send her tasks to complete at a Disney Park. Mainly it’s things like eat a new treat, ride the Tea Cups 3 times in a row, or ride Snow White’s Mine Train, while signing Heigh Ho for the whole ride…

She live streams the adventures, I think she’s on like 37 now, I’m on 13. This obsession with Disney is not new for me, I heart it. This year, in June, I was going to get for my 20th wedding anniversary a Disneyland Passport, but alas covid-19 screwed that up too. So now, I visit via YouTube, until we can plan our trip because annual pass or not, I will be going back to the Happiest Place on Earth, damn it!*

This is an open thread

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.