TNB Night Owl – “Everybody Needs a go-to Karaoke Song”

Concert scene. Photo by GoDaddy stock photos.

For those that may not know “Karaoke” means “a form of entertainment,” in which people (usually drunk ones), take turns singing songs. This form of entertainment takes place typically at bars, though, they do sell Karaoke machines you can use at home.

What inspired this Night Owl, well, to be honest, Google did it. I was searching around for something easy-breezy and landed on this website called “lucky voice.”

Lucky voice gave us a handy top ten list of “karaoke songs of all time,” broken down by several and I do mean several categories. Well, once I found the lucky voice, this song jumped right into my head:

Lyrics in part:
Everybody needs a go-to karaoke song
The one that makes you sing along
So take a sip of courage and just get up on that stage
Forget about your worries and just let the music play
Everybody needs a go-to karaoke song


And just like that, I had a Night Owl topic. So, because I can’t just copy and paste their lists, I thought how about I just pick one or two songs from their handy lists and share them with the class.


The number 1 song, spoilers–is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

Number 10 belongs to…

Kids songs:

Number 1 is….I’m sorry.

It could have been 3 which is Baby Shark, so I’m not that sorry.


Number 5 for kids is…

Rock songs…

Coming in at the number 2 spot:

Welcome to the Jungle came in at number 7…


Number 1…

Number 3 comes with a story…

It’s cause of the song above that my husband and I starting chatting at the bar on May 2nd, 1998. We’ve been together ever since.

I’m combining the Disco and Musical list:

#7 Disco is…

My favorite from the Musical list…

Side-note I have not once heard anyone sing this at Karaoke, but now I want too. Though I doubt anyone could compare to Tim Curry…

And last but not least.

Country fav’s:




Question Of The Night: I was going to ask if you sing in the shower, but that’s TMI, so do you sing in your car? (I do, or at my desk or while cleaning my house…)

p.s. I’m sorry in advance if the videos have really annoying ads. If you are lucky like I have been and a 10 minute to 12 minute ad pops up, just refresh, typically your spot is saved and it shows 30 second ads instead of the 12 minute infomercial.

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.