It’s Sunday.
Last night, I had a clear path for our Sunday Coffee Talk…
Yesterday, I followed the Pussy’s tweet and read the replies, while most were dunking on the Pussy, many were saying this to what he said, which is; just in case the Pussy blocked anyone else…
The Right will pick a fascist soon. A real one. Nothing like Trump. I mean a real one. This will happen in my lifetime. People will not be abused like this without end. It will be terrible, but it’s inevitable.
Complete and utter toe rag’s tweet. 07/09/2021.
I don't think it will be terrible, actually.
— PhilosophiCat (@Philosophi_Cat) July 10, 2021
Or this…
At this point I’m like, F*ck it. Bring it on.
— Rx Rated PharmD (@MrMedicineManRX) July 9, 2021
Or this… (OMG).
You say "terrible", but it's still far, far better than the path we're on.
— 2Spicy4Tacos (@spicy4_2) July 9, 2021
Fascism is better than the path we are on…
So, that’s what we were going to talk about Fascism versus Socialism. Now, I did say was, because this morning when I woke up, I seriously was not feeling “deep thought” I was feeling, fuck, I’m tired, fuck it’s hot outside already, and damn it, it’s Sunday.
So, I started mad Twitter scrolling for something anything, not deep, not taxing on the mind, something “fun”.
I found CPAC clips instead…
This triggered the nonsense about the “door-to-door” vaccination effort, as she said, “we don’t want your Facui Ouchie.”
Now, here’s my deal, I think we can be concerned that folks are going “door-to-door” trying to prevent a deadly virus, while they might be spreading that same virus to unvaccinated people. But and this a big but, from what I understand this is just an information campaign, with the possibility in some locations, access to a mobile vaccination station. Which means, the people administering the vaccine would be masked, gloved, and using disposable scrubs. They are not practice runs for…
He says in the clip that “think about the mechanism” a door-to-door effort would need to work. I paraphrased.
Right, because we don’t get Clark’s Pest Control dudes knocking on our doors to sell us their product, or Missionaries, or solar panel dudes, or wait for it…campaign staff asking us, if we attend to vote for their guy or gal! Nope, a door-to-door campaign has never never happened before. 🙄
But we aren’t going to talk about that either!
So, another furious scroll, to find something, anything fucking else to talk about led me to @Abraxsys…
By my 3rd cup of coffee, I saw it and went “Thank fuck for that!” Cause honestly, I spent like 30 minutes scrolling the hashtag and was like, shit, some of his/her/they/them/other questions are freakin’ hard.
I narrowed it down to two choices, my first choice was correct.
This one was easier for me, because yeah, lots of Steve Martin fans in my house. My mother, denies it to this day, but I only saw the below because she saw the below and enjoyed it, never believe her when she says “I don’t like Steve Martin.” because it’s lies!
I obviously saw Gidget first, I obviously saw the Flying Nun, I remember crying my eyes out watching Steel Magnolias, plus there’s that whole Smokey and the Bandit thingy, but this below movie is the first one tied with Norma Rae that I think of when I think of Sally Field.
I was totally in the majority with my answer…
I didn’t even try to guess at these music ones…okay I lied…I did kind of get this one…
I got nothing for this one…
I knew the artist of the next song, but not the name of the song.
I’m terrible at this part of the trivia!
One more…
There’s even some TV trivia too.
The first two, I got no idea…
I knew the answer to this…
And this one too…
I knew part of the answer to this one…
I didn’t know the answer to this!
Full Disclosure when I found the first one, it was the John Candy name the first movie you think about. The account is very progressive. Be warned that the account is not just trivia, there’s politics too, because fucking of course there is. But I decided to proceed anyway, and just ignored the politics included.
This is an open thread
I didn’t check the threads for the correct answer. I just posted most of them with my own answer and look forward to your answers…
This is an open thread