It’s Sunday.
To be fair, for me it’s Friday night as I write this very short, Sunday Gone Fishin’ Coffee Talk with Tiff.
I’m not really going fishin’, but I should be a swimmin’ since it’s suppose by a chill 109…
Anyhoo, have you ever paid zero attention to a band, only to later on, discover, oh, gee, I like that band?
That band for me is Maroon 5…
It’s not the only one, but it sticks out, cause I had friends that were massive fans, but I was like *shrug* about them.
But now I have 13 songs of theirs on my playlist…
I won’t be sharing all 13…
The first one I download on Spotify…
There are bad words…
The one everyone loves, I think it’s alright, though, to be fair, I like the song way better than the music video…
My husband’s favorite…
The one that makes me teary eyed…
And of course there is this…
This is an open thread
HAPPY SUNDAY…stay cool everyone!