Biden Bits: Blinking Code Red

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Wednesday.

In other news…

Before we see what President Biden is up to today I figured we’d “Go Back to Cali,” and see if Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom was still Governor this morning.

New York Times interactive.

I picked my own county, as it’s MAGA red country. As of 2019 Google tells me my MAGA country had a population of 900,202 people. This Twice Impeached 45 Cult land who hates anything “Liberal” only managed 88,987 votes overall. The R’s in this land of ours will spend days and weeks, screaming, whispering, “rigged” cause mail-in voting or whatever. But the truth is, had a Judge not said that because of the pandemic, R’s would have more time to collect the needed signatures for a recall, we wouldn’t have had one. They failed it took them 18-ish months to get 1 million plus signatures to recall a popular governor.

Just for the record, we get to do this whole campaign bullshit again next year when Newsom faces an actual election.

Back to our regularly scheduled program…

For Wednesday September 15th, 2021, President Biden has received his daily brief. This afternoon D.C., time President Biden hosts a meeting with business leaders and CEO’s on the COVID-19 response. This evening D.C., time President Biden will deliver brief remarks regarding a national security initiative.

President Biden has tweeted 2 times so far for Wednesday. 

The 23 second clip features President Biden & Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm.

President Biden: Extreme weather we’re seeing means two things: We’ve got to invest now climate change is here, and we’ve got to invest now. Now. Now.

ES Granholm: This is code red for humanity which is why the President has put forward this Build Back Better Agenda which will invest in the clean energy solutions that will get us to 100 percent clean electricity by 2035.

President Biden: And create good, good, good-paying union jobs.

The White House published the following President Biden statement:

The peace of mind that comes from having affordable, quality health coverage should be a right—not a privilege—for every American. For the past decade, the Affordable Care Act has allowed millions of Americans to sleep more soundly at night, knowing that they will be covered should the worst occur.

When I ran for President, I promised to protect and build on the historic foundation of the Affordable Care Act. That’s why, on February 15th, my administration opened for a Special Enrollment Period to allow all Americans—particularly those who had lost their coverage through no fault of their own during the pandemic—to find a quality, affordable health plan.

Six months later, I am pleased to report that 2.8 million more Americans have gained access to reliable health coverage through and state-based marketplaces. That’s 2.8 million families who will have more security, more breathing room, and more money in their pocket if an illness or accident hits home. Altogether, 12.2 million Americans are actively enrolled in coverage under the Affordable Care Act—an all-time high.

In addition to widening access, we are also lowering the cost of health care for millions of families thanks to the expanded premium subsidies included in my American Rescue Plan. Americans who purchase their coverage through the Affordable Care Act have seen their premiums decrease an average of $67 a month—which is more than $800 each year that can go to groceries, child care, or other essentials. Over four in ten Americans who gained coverage during the Special Enrollment Period found a quality plan for $10 or less per month. Twenty states and the District of Columbia saw premiums decrease by more than $75 a month. And out-of-pocket spending declined dramatically, with the median deductible for new enrollees dropping by more than 90 percent, from $750 to $50.

These numbers are encouraging, but we have more work to do to drive down the cost of health care for all Americans. My Build Back Better Agenda would lower prescription drug costs for millions of Americans by letting Medicare negotiate drug prices; provide health care premium tax cuts for nine million Americans that reduce costs an average of $600; and deliver quality, affordable care to millions more. In fact, by closing the Medicaid coverage gap and extending the expanded Affordable Care Act tax credits, it’s estimated we could ensure health coverage for an additional seven million Americans.

I urge Congress to act quickly to deliver for the American people—to keep up the vital work of expanding access and lowering health care costs across the board, and to continue building on the strong foundation of the Affordable Care Act.

White 09/15/2021.

When Biden Bits was published on Tuesday President Biden had tweeted 3 times. He added 6 tweets giving him a Tuesday Tweeting Total of 9 tweets and 0 retweets.

On Monday while he visited California he offered remarks on the Admin’s response to the recent wildfires.

President Biden (7:13): These fires are blinking “code red” for our nation.  They are gaining frequency and ferocity, and we know what we have to do.
President Biden (9:39): And my Build Back Better plan includes billions of dollars for wildfire preparedness, resilience, and response; forest management to restore millions of acres and to protect homes and public water sources.

See yesterday’s Biden Bits for more information on his tax plan or check out his Build Back Better Agenda.

The YouTube video is 19 minutes and 5 seconds long. President Biden begins speaking at the 2 minute and 39 second mark. His full remarks can be found here.

ABC News reported on Tuesday that Senate Democrats introduced The Freedom to Vote Act which is a replacement to the For the People Act. The For the People Act failed to pass in the Senate in June.

The new legislation by Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar built off a framework provided by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV).

According to NPR the co-sponsors including Manchin are; Democratic Sens. Raphael Warnock of Georgia, Jon Tester of Montana, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Alex Padilla of California, along with Maine independent Sen. Angus King.

They go on to say that the revised bill would; make Election Day a public holiday, ensure that every state offers same-day voter registration, set minimum federal standards on mail voting and ban partisan gerrymandering, among its provisions.

Both news agencies are reporting that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said that the Senate will take up the new voting rights bill as early as next week.

The daily press briefing is scheduled for 12:45 p.m. D.C., time.

President Biden’s remarks are scheduled for 5:00 p.m. D.C., time.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.