Coffee Talk Sunday With Tiff

Coffee. Photo by Jonathan Thursfield.

It’s Sunday aka Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Sunday Easy Jam…

Yesterday as you all are aware my bitchiness felt out of place, well, today is the 12th of September, and Sunday.

We start with what happened Saturday morning…

After I finally found some live feeds to remember 9/11, I opened Twitter, which was probably, my first Saturday mistake, but that ship sailed as it’s a daily thing now to start my morning on Twitter.

Anyhoo, yesterday had me in a funky mood, hard to remember 9/11 for me, without thinking about the 654,409 people that have passed away due to COVID-19.

But we aren’t starting with the vaccine and or testing weekly mandate throw-down that President Biden threw-down on Thursday…

Today, our rambling Sunday thoughts start here with the recall election of Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Now, I’m paywalled so have no idea the actual sample size, but the numbers are not unexpected if you live in California. Thing is, Newsom won by around 62 percent of the vote his first time around. But aside from the stupid idiots attempting to recall a popular govern in a blue state, I’d like to talk about one of my many reasons this was a bad move by Republicans.

He’s up for reelection next year, if he pulls it off and gets anywhere over 51 percent of the vote, any chance of replacing him next fucking year is toasted before the campaign cycle truly begins (yeah, it’s already happened and Larry Republican Elder might continue to grift I mean campaign for a chance at a 2022 win) but overall all Newsom has to do now is point to his winning a recall election and the donor money to the R’s moves elsewhere for a surer win.

Yes, the election isn’t until Tuesday and who knows in 2021, Republican Elder might pull off the upset and shock and awe us…(I don’t think that happens).

We move forward from California to Missouri…

See the date and time stamp? Yep, they shared that on 9/11/2021…

Now, I get it, right, they usually schedule things to drop more than one-time, in order to generate clicks. So, we click the link, as we all should remember to do, and we find this story by The Hill was published on Friday.

And to tell on myself and my bias, I auto thought, since when does Mississippi have a Democratic official…

This bias is two-fold, first, Democrats do tend to use words like “reprehensible” to describe our past President’s and The Hill tends to lean more right bias than left bias.

But, I was proven wrong, when I Googled, this was of course after I stared at the origin of the tweet for several minutes thinking, what the fuck is wrong with people.

It should be noted that Lovasco is a Missouri State Rep., not a Federal Congressman.

An hour later after he was accused of siding with the Confederate loser suggesting the 16th President famous for ending slavery and winning the Civil War was “reprehensible”, he expressed his dismay that anyone would think such a thing…


And with that we seemingly stream line into President Biden tossing down the mandate on Thursday; why? Well, one of the first tweets of dummies I saw when I expanded his bio…


Here’s the deal, I am a limited government person, especially, at the Federal level. However, and yeah, that little voice inside that screams there is no but or however, isn’t really screaming, she’s just grumbling like…

And the however is, this isn’t about a person deciding for themselves to fly a Pride flag, or the American one, or person driving around with a Bernie sticker on their car. Or someone that wants a Twice Impeached 45 tramp stamp.

This is about the health of the public. This is about children in adult bodies not caring about much beyond “I can’t side with the Democrats ever!”

Also, let’s note, it’s September 2021, it’s not spring of 2020 months after the virus hit, it’s 599 days after our first reported COVID-19 case. Tomorrow when you read this, it will be 600 days.

600 days later and we are still fighting over public health versus individual freedumbs. States are suing school districts that mandate mask wearing. People, okay, a woman is getting fired because she acted like an ass by coughing all over the public spaces. And folks are refusing to get a vaccine that could not only save their lives but the lives of others just cause some Facebook meme or YouTuber said it was bad…

And to be fair, if it was just “people” screaming about freedumbs, I wouldn’t care the same, but what has happened is, it’s lawmakers. Children in adult bodies elected to serve us the people, to serve as our representation, this is true whether it be state, local, or federal.

It’s 20 years since the world stopped turning on a typical Tuesday morning, lives were changed, our country was changed, but today, with over 650,000 plus dead Americans, with winter coming. We are fighting over how masks are like the Holocaust (it really isn’t anywhere close to the same thing at all, not even a tiny tiny bit) and how President Biden is now a dictator by saying get vaccinated or weekly tested or you could get fired and or fined. At the same time, Florida and Texas are passing and signing bills that tell a social media tech company what to do with their content choices. And we all know about the terrible no good horrible really nothing good comes from it abortion bill that makes private citizens the thought police for the state by suing folks that could “intend” to drive a lady to have an abortion after 6 weeks along.

But if we flashback to 9/11 and it’s aftermath, the Department of Homeland Security seemed like a smashing good idea for our security from terror attacks (it wasn’t, still isn’t, but that’s a bitch for another day)…

But protecting our workforce, our children and us as a whole, from a deadly virus worse than the flu and airborne, is tyranny.

This is an open thread

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.