Saturday’s Coffee Talk With Tiff

Coffee. Photo by Jonathan Thursfield.

It’s Saturday.

“Wake me up inside.”

Today is Saturday the 25th of September (can you believe I only have one more Saturday to go before I’m on vacation! I can’t believe it).

On Friday, I along with I don’t know how many people watched, listened, muted, the Arizona Audit hearing featuring the Cyber Ninja’s attempting to Ninja their way out of the fact they did not find a “stolen” 2020 Presidential Election.

Now, on Friday, when I was attentively…

“Watching” the hearing and “listening” to the Ninja’s not so Ninja like backward flips to explain data they didn’t understand, that was a waste of time, and had my blood pressure roiling…

I can’t say I wasn’t warned. I was…

Anyhoo, I had intent to post my own debunk of things, but here’s where the problem lies for me and probably many others out there in the interwebs…

What’s the point of debunking?
Why waste brain cells attempting to debunk?
Who is going to listen to my debunking over say…


Still not linking. SorryNotSorry.

There is more from Twice Impeached 45 we will “circle back” to that in a few minutes.

Here’s the simple truth, I can link to this…

His thread is not about election processes, he is a cyber security “expert”.

Or I could link to this…

Or this…

But it doesn’t matter to the people that today are still claiming the hearing “we” all watched proved that the 2020 Arizona Election results need decertified because Twice Impeached 45 won or something…

With that we “circle back” to…


See? Does it matter that the Republican Governor of Arizona said…

No Joy.

And why doesn’t it matter?

Because it’s a…

And of course we all know that this isn’t actually about undoing what’s already been done in November 2020, this is a setup for 2022 and beyond. They lose now it’s all “rigged” and “fraud”.

To be fair I’m not against debunking, I’m just once again reminded that all the debunking in the world will have zero effect on Twice Impeached 45’s base, which, yeah, isn’t all that large these days. But it’s our friends, family, co-workers…

It’s my thread and I’ll cry if I want too.

This is an open thread

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2880 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.