I wish I could write some poetic words to express the events of 9/11/2001, but as I sit here 20 years later, words still fail me. I was having a normal morning as was the rest of the world when the second World Trade Tower was struck. After that, everything seemed to blur together. It was only 6 a.m. west coast time, so, we out here in CA, were just barely wiping sleep out of ours as we rushed to get our children ready for a school day. So since I can’t find the poetry to express the shock, horror, grief, and fear of that day. I’ll let others do it.
I’d be remiss if I did not include President Bush’s ground zero speech a few days later.
Bloomberg Quicktake reminds us to remember the first responders that have fallen ill and passed away years after 9/11.
Secretary of Defense Austin:
President Biden offered a 6 minute and 23 second video to honor those lost on 9/11.
He and the First Lady will travel to New York City; Shanksville, Pennsylvania; and the Pentagon to honor the lives lost on 9/11. I do not believe President Biden is offering remarks.
I’m sure there are more tributes; feel free to share your own or if like me, you struggle to find your words, share something that moves you.
Today CNN’s 9/11 Memorial coverage starts at 8:00 a.m. D.C., time.
CBS News‘ coverage starts at 8:30 a.m. D.C., time.

As of 8:26 my time; YouTube doesn’t have live feeds posted for tomorrow. I will try to add any as they become available.
Live feed:
Washington Post
The Washington Post has a feed for events just in New York.
CBS News.