Saturday’s Coffee Talk with Tiff

Coffee. Photo by Jonathan Thursfield.

It’s Saturday aka Shopping Day for Me…

Before my first cup of Saturday morning coffee, the above was pretty much my whole Saturday thread, because I hate shopping. I love window-type shopping, but I hate actual clothes shopping, but if I’m going to Disney on Thursday. I need clothes fit for Instagram and public view and not my “around the house clothes” that are older than my grown daughter.

But as it happens, after I opened YouTube so I could listen to Pat from Rope Drop talk in my ear for the morning, I went to Twitter and found; former Mayor of New York, Twice Impeached 45’s “hair dye dripping” lawyer Rudy Giuliani trending.

I clicked the link and found this:

Now this could be “in case you missed it” news, but more likely this is I did miss this news from the other day.

The above clip is also at the tweet I shared. The clip is from MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s show, I think from September 30th, 2021, that’s at least when it was uploaded to YouTube.

The clip is 3 minutes and 37 seconds long. Maddow says that earlier in the week she covered the Giuliani deposition. I went hang on, what deposition?

Now, with second cup of coffee in hand I headed to the interwebs…

The Business Insider was helpful, but their source was still the Maddow show and I’m like, alrighty then, cause one source information while, sometimes okay, is not exactly “okay” when trying to find out what a host or reporter is referencing. Especially when that host or reporter is the source for other “news” orgs…

Anyhoo, with my third cup of coffee in hand I figured out how this all came about, first, from Business Insider we find a New York Times article that explains how Dr. Eric Coomer became involved in the whole 2020 election rigged Twice Impeached 45 won, and President Biden stolen it!!!!, crap.

Mr. Coomer, Dominion’s onetime director of product strategy and security, sued Ms. Powell, Mr. Giuliani, the Trump campaign and others last year in state district court in Denver. He has said that after the election, he was wrongly accused by a right-wing podcast host of hacking his company’s systems to ensure Mr. Trump’s defeat and of then telling left-wing activists that he had done so.

Soon after the host, Joe Oltmann, made these accusations, they were seized upon and amplified by Ms. Powell and Mr. Giuliani, who were part of a self-described “elite strike force” of lawyers leading the charge in challenging Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory.

On Nov. 19, for example, Ms. Powell and Mr. Giuliani appeared together at the news conference at the Republican National Committee’s headquarters and placed Mr. Coomer at the center of a plot to hijack the election by hacking Dominion’s voting machines. By Ms. Powell’s account that day, the conspiracy included Smartmatic, Venezuelan officials, people connected to Mr. Soros and a “massive influence of communist money.”

New York Times. 09/21/2021.

In my interwebs searching after I read the above I located the lawsuit filed by Coomer. And then I finally found what I was looking for, which is…

The transcript of the video taped Giuliani deposition that was taken on August 14th, 2021…

Now we return to what Maddow said Rudy G., less cool than Kenny G., said of importance on August 14th…

Q: Maybe it’s where you weren’t looking that matters to my client. In the sense of Mr. Oltmann who says he was on this call, *I take it from your testimony you or your team didn’t interview him about that call?

Rudy G., says: I didn’t interview him.

He adds he “thinks” someone did interview him. The questions move on to the credibility of Oltmann…

Deposition PDF pg. 32 (transcript pg. 120).

See what Rudy G., still not cooler than Kenny G., says?
“I mean the way it works in a fast-moving case, I used to do liable, cases, right, it’s not my job in a fast-moving case to go out and investigate every piece of evidence that’s given to me…”

It absolutely is his job as a lawyer to investigate the evidence given to him before he presents it. That’s his job.

Anyhoo, it continues where he says, he just didn’t have the resources to investigate the claims made by Oltmann, that Coomer admitted to rigging the election for President Biden.

Deposition PDF pg. 32 (transcript pg. 121).
Deposition PDF pg. 33 (transcript pg. 122).
Deposition PDF pg. 33 (transcript pg. 123).

*I used more context than the Maddow clip provided*

I mean for fuck sake. He was attempting to overthrow a legit election and he doesn’t feel it’s his damn stupid job to investigate the claims he says are “evidence” of wide-spread election fraud, which by the way, is not the same fucking thing as voter fraud.

But I digress, Maddow says at the end of the clip, that this news should be receiving bigger media coverage. And I have to agree in part with her, but in the media’s defense-ish, this isn’t the first time Rudy G., admitted his case on election fraud, wasn’t really that at all.

And that’s a wrap I think, given the time and I have to go shopping *cries*…

On a side bar kind of deal…

According to the New York Times, me, as a subscriber can share 10 articles for free views…

I can’t at this time, remember if I had Lenny check the New York Times or Washington Post, but allegedly, the above article should not be paywalled. Let me know in the comments, if that’s true or not, please, cause if it’s true, it’s possible I can share more paywalled content without having to over quote someone else’s work.

This is an open thread

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.