It’s Sunday.
Random thoughts Sunday…
I have too many thoughts to focus…
But let’s try and focus some of them; shall we???
To explain my random thought on this I have to go back to Friday and how come I didn’t talk about the deadly storms that hit Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky on Saturday…
I wrote my Saturday piece early Friday evening, and pretty much ignored everything while I attempted to plan how I was going to decorate my house for Christmas aka I played iPad games–while I watched Lenny play videos games on Twitch…
So, by the time I knew about the storms, it was too late to change my plan. So today…
This morning I saw this article from last night…
A desperate search and rescue operation unfolded Saturday across six states mauled the previous evening by rare late-season tornadoes that may have left more than 70 people dead.
While the stream of tornadoes battered dozens of communities, none suffered morethan this town of about 10,000 people in southwestern Kentucky, not far from a sweeping bend in the Mississippi River marking the border with Missouri. As the wind stiffened into the high 70 mph range, some employees stuck in the disintegrating Mayfield Consumer Products candle factory took to Facebook to make a video plea for help.
The National Weather Service received 37 reports of tornadoes on Friday in six states. The most destructive tornado, or series of tornadoes, carved an approximately 250-mile path through northeast Arkansas, southeast Missouri, northwest Tennessee and into western Kentucky.
Washington Post. 12/11/2021.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but as I sit here and read articles and tweets about the horrible loss of life to these storms; all I can focus on is that in 12 days it’s Christmas, and how many people from now on will mark the holiday season with their grief and loss.
Is that normal?
Does the Christmas season make us hyper aware, more bi-polar in nature as humans?
Again, I travel back to Friday evening and how come I wrote a fluff piece for Saturday…
On Wednesday in my town two kids–one teenager and a nine-year-old girl were killed after being hit by a car. The car was driven by a forty-six-year old woman, who was drunk. It was 1 o’clock in the afternoon.
On Friday, I found out that the 19 year-old-teenager was the grandson of people we know and his half-sister…
As a mom, my first thought was how awful to lose two-children; my next was how awful to bury those two children the week before Christmas.
So in an attempt to lighten my own mood, I wrote about Small World…
And that’s not all…
This morning scrolling the Owl like I do in the mornings I saw this…
And my very first thought was “holy fuck that can’t be real…”
I Googled it and it is real according to The Kansas City Star; The Cass County Commission passed a resolution Friday which ended the enforcement of COVID-19 related measures and limited the authority of the county’s public health director. The resolution comes at a time when a growing number of health departments across Missouri are ending their COVID-19 response after Attorney General Eric Schmitt demanded the agencies comply with a court ruling that appears to severely limit the authority of local health officials.
I just can’t even…
When our children have a cold; a runny damn nose; watery eyes…
Even without a fever the school begs us to keep them home, isolated, until it’s cleared up…
But somehow these folks think they have “freedom” to just go around spreading a disease that’s killed; 793,937 as of yesterday according to the CDC?
I’ll note that this just applies to Cass County, but FFS, like that matters; I can be in a different county in about 30 minutes or so…
So the question remains is it Christmas that makes me or others bi-polar; one minute I’m happy as a lark–the next I’m struggling not to burst into tears–followed closely by irrational anger at people I don’t know and will likely never know for being selfish pricks placing “Let’s Go Brandon” which for those not in the know is MAGA for “Fuck Joe Biden” stickers on a gas station pump I happened to use last night.
And then just like a switch I recall…
There are still great human begins that care, that do the hard stuff, that put others before themselves and my mood is lifted and I’m once again wondering how to place Christmas garland in my home to make merry the season that celebrates Christ.
Bi-polar indeed…
This is an open thread