Saturday’s Coffee Talk

Coffee. Photo by Jonathan Thursfield.

It’s Saturday.

As you know on Monday I got to visit Disneyland to ride Small World Holiday.

To sum up the trip…

We arrived waited for the train at the Main Street entrance and rode over to the Toontown location which is right next to Small World. We waited no minutes to board the Holiday Small World…


2022 Disneyland first trip of the New Year.

♬ original sound – BigMike

From Small World we walked almost in a straight line to Matterhorn waited about 20 minutes and rode the roughest-slowest ride at Disneyland.

What we did next is blurry, I’m not sure how come this happens, but it does every trip, we start strong in our ride list order and then bam the order is confused or we just forget we rode something until reviewing pictures or someone makes a comment…

So, we either rode the Tea Cups before the Monorail or right after. I know we rode other things after both the Tea Cups and Monorail. My husband did not ride the tea cups instead he took photos…

@bigmike72669 Monorail time. #disneyland #disneylandcalifornia ♬ original sound – BigMike

The Monorail travels from Tomorrowland to Downtown Disney and back to Tomorrowland. From either the Monorail exit or the Tea Cups one we decided to head to Space Mountain.

There is only the “ride photo” screen shot of that ride, as it’s pitch freakin’ dark and pointless to attempt to film the ride…

My own image…

And yes, that is totally me with my eyes closed. It was pitch black until the giant flash…

The ride load on Space was terrible we spent at least 45 minutes trying to leave one building to enter the other building to achieve ride load. Once we were in the second building ride load went faster.

From space we traveled to Neverland and rode Peter Pan’s Flight…

The above is not our video it was taken a few months ago; my husband did attempt photos but for some reason they came out blurry.

After we flew with Peter Pan we got lunch and from there we decided not to park hop as was our intent, but instead we came home leaving the park just before 2:00 p.m. CA., time.

It was a family decision based on the 100 minute wait for Car’s, the over 80 minute wait for Soarin’ Around the World, and the 130 minute for Web Slingers.

That meant that DCA was very crowded with people, probably maskless, and honest, I love Car’s; I am determined to ride Soarin’ one more time at least without a mild panic attack first; and Web Slingers is okay, but none of those rides are worth 2 hours of waiting around possibly sick people, and I don’t just mean sick with the Rona…

I mean I haven’t had a cold since early 2019–I do not want one now…

We have scheduled another trip for Monday the 24th of January to ride non-holiday Haunted Mansion, but that’s just penciled in not inked…

Ride Count:
Small World.
Tea Cups/Monorail.
Peter Pan.

Now for something else that’s been on my mind…

January 6th, 2021, and the Texas Senator Republican Ted “I lie” Cruz…

The whole clip is 8 minutes and 16 seconds long. At the 23 second mark the failed to beat Twice Impeached 45, but still thinks he has a chance to be President–Republican Senator from Texas says; We are approaching the solemn anniversary this week and it’s an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol…”

Well, them were fightin’ words to Tucker that Fucker Carlson from Fox News who blasted Cruz on Wednesday…

So, on Thursday night, the I wanna be President in 2024 Senator went on Tucker that Fucker Carlson’s show and said…

The video he shared is 6 minutes too long for me to listen to a word of it; I would have if Cruz hadn’t tweeted us a novel…

But he did, so none of us have too listen…

Okay, I lied, I listened to 38 seconds where Cruz says what he said was said “sloppy”…

From Daniel Dale’s article:

CNN asked Cruz spokesman Steve Guest how Cruz’s claim that his “terrorist attack” phrasing on Wednesday was “sloppy” is compatible with the senator’s numerous past uses of the exact same phrasing. Guest emailed a response that disparaged CNN and other media outlets but did not provide an explanation.

CNN. 01/07/2022.

Then, more than two hours after this article was originally published, Guest sent a second statement in which he called the premise of the article “false.” Guest said, “Of course there are many instances of Sen. Cruz using the word ‘terrorist’ in regard to violent assaults on police officers. …” (In fact, Cruz had repeatedly used “terrorist attack” to describe the Capitol riot in general, not just the assaults on officers at the Capitol.) Guest also said that Cruz’s actual “mistake” was “not explaining the difference between acts of violence and peaceful protest.” And Guest again disparaged CNN and other media outlets.

CNN. 01/07/2022.

January 7th, 2021…

Same day he defended himself against any responsibility leading up to January 6th, 2021’s attack…

On the 8th of January 2021, he tweeted out more defense against those saying he was responsible for fanning the flames leading to the attack. He issued a clip of himself saying…

Same day…

Daniel Dale was kind enough to put the Cancun Cruz’s statements in timeline form and he linked them too.

Basically Dale brought the…

But honestly, can we really expect more from this guy…

This is an open thread


About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.