Watch Live: Twice Impeached 45 Makes an Announcement Yippie…

Donald Trump - Riding the Wrecking Ball. Image by DonkeyHotey.

It’s Tuesday a week since the 2022 Mid-term Elections and instead of licking wounds, the Republican Loser Twice Impeached 45 intends to make a big announcement…

The “announcement” is allegedly his plan to run for President in 2024…

But as ScaredyCatLady says…

His fans are pleased either way…

Others are not so pleased…

Inside look at the overcompensation ball-room at Mar-a-Lardo.

We are unsure of who is gonna show up to support the stupidest idea ever just before the GA run-off…

Some fun tweets…

I can’t locate a “live feed” but…

If something else legit pops up I will post it in the comment section.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.