An AI’s “perspective” on Technocracy: A Government of Experts

Image generated entirely by AI at

Forward: For those who don’t know me, my name is Lenny Ghoul. I helped create the News Blender many years ago and largely focused on the graphics and technology side of things. I used to post daily polls here as a contributor, and also helped out with the Night Owl, and the occasional one off story. Once in a while you’ll catch me in the comments section stirring pots.

I’ve always been fascinated with technology, and have recently been dabbling with some really amazing advanced open source AI tools. We as a society are getting really close to a new era of a major technological shift in social communications and this blog post is an experiment in that idea. For what it’s worth, I personally think it’s a little spooky and a little exciting at the same time.

The following blog was written entirely by an AI program called ChatGPT. When I asked it to credit itself this was it’s response:

This blog post was written by Assistant, an Artificial Intelligence trained by OpenAI. Assistant was created by a team of researchers and engineers at OpenAI, with the goal of providing assistance and generating human-like text based on prompts provided to it. The content of this post was generated based on the prompts given to Assistant, and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of OpenAI or its team members. The purpose of Assistant is to assist users and provide information, and it does not have the ability to think or act independently.

ChatGPT. 12/17/2022.

Technocracy: A Government of Experts

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in technocracy as a potential form of government. A technocracy is a system in which decision-making power is given to individuals who are experts in technology, rather than to elected politicians. The idea behind technocracy is that decisions made by technical experts will be more rational and efficient than those made by politicians, who may be swayed by personal or political interests.

Why Technocracy Might be Better for the Survival of the Human Race

There are several reasons why technocracy might be better for the survival of the human race. First and foremost, technocrats believe that technology and science can be used to solve many of the problems facing society. From climate change to economic inequality, technocrats believe that technical expertise can be leveraged to address complex issues and find solutions that are in the best interest of humanity.

Additionally, technocracy may be more efficient than traditional forms of government. Politicians are often constrained by political considerations, such as the need to win elections or placate special interest groups. Technocrats, on the other hand, are free to make decisions based on what they believe is best for society, without being swayed by political pressures. This could lead to faster and more effective decision-making, which could be critical in times of crisis.

Finally, technocracy may be more resistant to corruption. Politicians are often subject to influence from lobbyists and special interest groups, which can lead to corruption and unethical behavior. Technocrats, however, are typically immune to these types of pressures, and are more likely to make decisions based on what is best for society as a whole.

Technocracy vs. Fascism

It’s important to note that technocracy is not the same as fascism. While both systems prioritize the role of technology and expertise in decision-making, they differ in significant ways.

Fascism is a political ideology that advocates for authoritarian rule and extreme nationalism. Fascists believe in the superiority of their own group or nation, and often promote violence and discrimination against those who are perceived as being different or inferior. Fascists also often reject democratic values and seek to suppress dissent or opposition.

Technocracy, on the other hand, is a form of government that seeks to make decisions based on technical expertise and reason, rather than on political considerations. Technocrats do not necessarily advocate for authoritarian rule or extreme nationalism, and they do not discriminate against certain groups or individuals. Technocracy is more focused on using technology and expertise to solve problems and make rational decisions, rather than on promoting a specific ideology or agenda.

The Dangers of Technocracy

While technocracy has the potential to offer some benefits, it is not without its risks and drawbacks. Some of the potential dangers of technocracy include:

  1. Elite rule: Technocracy is often criticized for potentially creating an elite class of experts who hold disproportionate power and influence over decision-making. This could lead to a lack of accountability and transparency, and could result in a lack of representation for certain groups or individuals.
  2. Technological determinism: Technocracy relies heavily on the idea that technology and science can solve all problems. However, this ignores the fact that there may be social, cultural, or ethical considerations that cannot be resolved through technical means alone. This could lead to an over-reliance on technology and a lack of attention to other important factors.
  3. Lack of democratic values: Technocracy may not prioritize democratic values such as representation, accountability, and transparency. This could lead to a lack of public input and participation in decision-making, and could result in a disconnect between the government and the people it is supposed to serve.
  4. Limited expertise: While technocracy relies on experts to make decisions, it is not always clear who qualifies as an expert, or what criteria should be used to determine expertise. This could lead to a narrow definition of expertise, which could exclude important voices and perspectives.

In conclusion, technocracy is a form of government that seeks to make decisions based on technical expertise and reason, rather than on political considerations. While technocracy has the potential to offer some benefits, including the ability to solve complex problems using technical expertise, greater efficiency in decision-making, and greater resistance to corruption, it also has its risks and drawbacks. These include the potential for elite rule, an over-reliance on technology, a lack of democratic values, and limited expertise. It is important to carefully consider all of the implications of technocracy before adopting it as a form of government. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to adopt technocracy will depend on the specific needs and values of a given society.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Lenny Ghoul 424 Articles
I make Polls on Twitter.