Biden Bits: “Protecting Americans’ Retirement Security”…

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Wednesday…


Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday at 2:00 a.m….


President Biden’s public schedule for 11/01/2023:

9:00 AM
Presidential Daily Brief
The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office Closed Press
10:45 AM In-Town Pool Call Time
The White House In-Town Pool
11:40 AM
Leaves the White House
The President departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
South Lawn Open Press
12:00 PM
Leaves Joint Base Andrews
The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Minneapolis, Minnesota
Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool
2:35 PM
Leaves Minneapolis, Minnesota
The President departs Minneapolis, Minnesota en route Northfield, Minnesota
Open Press
2:50 PM
Arrives in Northfield, Minnesota
The President arrives in Northfield, Minnesota
Out-of-Town Pool
3:50 PM
Takes a Tour
The President participates in a tour of a family farm in Northfield, Minnesota as part of his Administration’s Investing in Rural America Event Series
Out-of-Town Pool
4:15 PM
The President delivers remarks highlighting how Bidenomics and his Investing in America agenda are ensuring rural Americans do not have to leave their hometowns to find opportunity
Open Press
5:15 PM
Leaves Northfield, Minnesota
The President departs Northfield, Minnesota en route Minneapolis, Minnesota
Out-of-Town Pool
5:30 PM
Arrives in Minneapolis, Minnesota
The President arrives in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Out-of-Town Pool
7:15 PM
Campaign Event
The President participates in a campaign reception
Restricted Out-of-Town Pool
8:30 PM
Leaves Minneapolis, Minnesota
The President departs Minneapolis, Minnesota en route to Joint Base Andrews
Out-of-Town Pool
10:55 PM
Leaves Joint Base Andrews
The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House
Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool
11:05 PM
Arrives at the White House
The President arrives at the White House
South Lawn Deputy Press Secretary Emilie Simons will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Minneapolis, Minnesota

YouTube tells me the press gaggle will happen around 1:15 p.m. D.C., time:

From the White House…


President Biden Delivers Remarks on Investing in Rural America @4:15 p.m. D.C., time:

Protecting Americans’ Retirement Security Tweets

From Tuesday…

The YouTube is 19 minutes and 16 seconds long. His full remarks can be found here.

Today, the Department of Labor is proposing a new rule, meaning that when you pay someone for retirement advice, they must give you advice that’s in your best interest, not whether it gets them the best payday.


The action we’re taking today is, I believe, long overdue.  If this rule is finalized as proposed, it’s going to protect workers and it’s going to save for — that are saving for their retirements.

It will protect seniors from being exploited.  It will protect many trustworthy financial advisors out there who are doing the right thing from unfair competition.  Now they won’t be undercut by competitors willing to use deception or underhanded tactics to make a profit.

White 10/31/2023.

Look, the bottom line is this is about basic fairness.  People are tired of being played for suckers.  And me- — and my administration is going to continue to crack down on junk fees across the economy to protect consumers, promote competition, and give families across the country, as my dad would say, “just a little bit of breathing room.”

White 10/31/2023.

From the Department of Labor…


From the White House…


Artificial Intelligence EO Tweets

From Tuesday…

From Wednesday…

From the White House…




  • YouTube 16 minutes and 34 second long; Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Artificial Intelligence; the transcript hasn’t been posted at this time.

Israel/Gaza/Humanitarian Assistance Tweets

From Tuesday…

Readout of President Biden’s Call with His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan:

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan. The leaders discussed the latest developments in Gaza and their shared commitment to facilitating the increased, sustained delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the resumption of essential services. The President reiterated the importance of protecting civilian lives and respecting international humanitarian law, as Israel defends its citizens and combats terrorism.  They also agreed that it is critical to ensure that Palestinians are not forcibly displaced outside of Gaza. The leaders discussed urgent mechanisms to stem violence, calm rhetoric, and reduce regional tensions. The President and King Abdullah affirmed their commitment to work together and with other regional partners to set the conditions for a durable and sustainable peace in the Middle East to include the establishment of a Palestinian state. The President expressed appreciation to the King for Jordan’s role in promoting regional stability, reaffirmed Jordan as a critical ally, and confirmed unwavering U.S. support for Jordan and His Majesty’s leadership. 

White 10/31/2023.

Opinion| Antony Blinken: Defending Israel is essential. So is aiding civilians in Gaza.

On Oct. 20, President Biden requested funding from Congress that is vital to America’s national security.

Congress’s swift support will allow us to continue aiding Ukraine as it defends its democracy, its land and its people against Russia’s war of aggression. It will strengthen our hand in an intensifying strategic competition with China. And it will ensure we can help Israel defend itself, while aiding Palestinian civilians caught in a cross-fire of Hamas’s making.

Taken together, this investment will show the United States’ unwavering resolve in standing with our allies and partners, standing up to autocrats and terrorists, and standing for an international order that safeguards America’s interests and values.

Some in Congress are making the case to fund only parts of the president’s request, including proposals to cut out all humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.

That would be a grave mistake.

It will deepen the suffering of more than 2 million Palestinian civilians — including women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities and other vulnerable populations — who have nothing to do with Hamas’s deplorable attacks. It will undercut Israel’s security and regional stability. And it will worsen problems and risks that will end up costing American taxpayers many magnitudes more over time.

From the moment Hamas slaughtered more than 1,400 people in Israel, including at least 35 U.S. citizens, and took more than 230 hostages, President Biden has consistently affirmed Israel’s right — indeed, its obligation — to defend itself and prevent Hamas from carrying out such an attack ever again.

The president has made clear that the United States will ensure Israel has what it needs to defend its people against all threats, including from Iran and its proxy groups. The security assistance in our supplemental request will allow us to deliver on that commitment.

At the same time, the way Israel defends itself matters.

Palestinian civilians are not to blame for Hamas’s atrocities or for the grave humanitarian crisis in Gaza. They are its victims. As with civilians in any conflict, the lives of Palestinian civilians must be protected.

That means the flow of food, water, medicine, fuel and other essential humanitarian aid into Gaza must increase — immediately and significantly. It means Palestinian civilians must be able to stay out of harm’s way. It means every possible precaution must be taken to safeguard humanitarian sites. And it means humanitarian pauses must be considered for these purposes.

Abiding by these standards is difficult in any conflict, much less when confronting an enemy that cynically and monstrously uses civilians as human shields and launches rockets from hospitals, schools and residential buildings.

Despite these challenges, preventing a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is vital to Israel’s security.

Washington 10/31/2023.

From the White House…
























Halloween Tweet

From Tuesday…

The video clip is 38 seconds long. There is no voice-over. There is music and footage from the Halloween event hosted at the White House.

I want to share this–

So, yesterday I came across this tweet…

It really annoyed me; I know it shouldn’t have, but to take something so normal and try to paint it as “Biden has lost his damn mind!” Or “Biden is stealing for a baby” Or whatever the account thought it was doing is really annoying.


Just before the clip shared by President Biden ends–two stills:

And that is how come parents, family, and friends, pretend with babies…

Forgive the White House logo; I found the ice cream sharing toddler at the 39 minute and 26 second mark of the White House YouTube, but a military guy blocked the babies face right when the baby smiled!

The Hallo-READ YouTube is 22 minutes and 54 seconds long.
The Halloween event YouTube is 1 hour and 29 minutes long.

This is an open thread

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.