Biden Bits: “Compromise is Part of the Process”…

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday…

President Biden’s public schedule for 02/26/2024:

10:00 AM
Presidential Daily Brief
The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
The White HouseClosed Press
11:30 AMOut-of-Town Pool Call Time
Joint Base Andrews Overhang Out-of-Town Pool
12:25 PM
Left the White House
The President departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
South Lawn Open Press
12:45 PM
Leaves Joint Base Andrews
The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Queens, New York
Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool
1:00 PM
Press Gaggle
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Queens, New York
Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool
1:40 PM
Arrives in Queens
The President arrives in Queens, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport Out-of-Town Pool
1:50 PM
Leaves Queens
The President departs Queens, New York en route to New York, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport Out-of-Town Pool
2:10 PM
Arrives in New York
The President arrives in New York, New York
Downtown Manhattan Heliport, NY Out-of-Town Pool
2:45 PM
Campaign Event
The President participates in a campaign meeting
New York Closed Press
6:30 PM
Leaves New York
The President departs New York, New York en route to Queens, New York
Downtown Manhattan Heliport, NY Out-of-Town Pool
7:00 PM
Leaves Queens
The President departs Queens, New York en route to Joint Base Andrews
Downtown Manhattan Heliport, NY Out-of-Town Pool
8:05 PM
Leaves Joint Base Andrews
The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House
Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool
8:15 PM
Arrives at the White House
The President arrives at the White House
South Lawn Open Press

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Queens, NY @1:15 p.m. D.C., time:

National Governors Association Winter Meeting Tweets

From Friday…

Remarks by President Biden at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting; the YouTube is 42 minutes and 26 seconds long. President Biden’s remarks start at the 23 minute and 7 second mark.

Governors know the measure of success isn’t how many partisan points we score.  It’s: Did we fix the problem?  Did we fix the problem?

We disagree on how to fix the problem many times.  We’re all here for one reason: to fix the problems — to get things done for families, for communities, for the country.

That’s why I kept my commitment to be a president for all Americans, whether you voted for me or not.  In fact, we’ve invested more, in all we passed, in red states than we have in blue states.  That’s a fact.  Billions of dollars more of what we’ve passed is invested in red states than blue states.


We just have to remember who in the hell we are.  I mean this sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.  We’re the United States of America, for God’s sake.  Nothing, nothing, nothing is beyond our capacity.

When have we ever set a national goal we failed?  When?  When have we ever come out of a — not come out of a crisis stronger than we went into the crisis?

Nothing is beyond our capacity if we work together.  So, let’s keep working together.  Because you’re the best hope we have — the governors.

White 02/23/2024.

From the White House…



Ukraine/Russia War/Alexei Navalny Tweets

From Friday…

The video clip is 13 seconds long. There is no voice over, only music.

Remarks by President Biden Ahead of the One-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Brutal and Unprovoked Invasion of Ukraine; the YouTube is 22 minutes and 15 seconds long (02/21/2023):

But there should be no doubt: Our support for Ukraine will not waver, NATO will not be divided, and we will not tire.  (Applause.)

White 02/21/2023.

Remarks by President Biden on the United Efforts of the Free World to Support the People of Ukraine; the YouTube is 27 minutes and 23 seconds long (03/26/2022):

A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never erase a people’s love for liberty.  Brutality will never grind down their will to be free.  Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia — for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness.

White 03/26/2022.

The video clip is 29 seconds long.

Remarks by President Biden at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting; the YouTube is 42 minutes and 26 seconds long. President Biden’s remarks start at the 23 minute and 7 second mark.

This is due to their sheer bravery and their sacrifice, but it’s also due to us.  Remember, the United States pulled together a coalition of more than 50 nations — 50 nations to support Ukraine.  We unified and expanded NATO.  We can’t walk away now.  And that’s what Putin is betting on.  He’s betting on we’re going to walk away.


That’s why I’m announcing more than 500 new sanctions — (applause) — in response — in response to Putin’s brutal war of conquest, in response to Aleksey Navalny’s death.

Because make no mistake: Putin is responsible for Aleksey’s death.

White 02/23/2024.

From Saturday…

The video clip is 27 seconds long.

Remarks by President Biden in Press Gaggle | San Francisco, CA; remarks posted on 02/23/2024–remarks given on 02/22/2024

Hello, folks.  This morning, I had the honor of meeting with Aleksey Navalny’s wife and daughter

As to state the obvious, he was a man of incredible courage.  And it’s amazing how his wife and daughter are — are emulating thatAnd we’re going to be announcing the sanctions against Putin, who is responsible for his death, tomorrow.

And — but the one thing I’ve made — that was made clear to me is that Yulanda [Yulia] is going to — she’s going to continue to fight (inaudible) the way.  So, we’re not letting up.

Thank you.

White Remarks posted on 02/23/2024; remarks given on 02/22/2024.

From the White House…



Statement from President Joe Biden Ahead of the Two-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Brutal Assault Against Ukraine:

Two years ago tomorrow, shortly before dawn, Russian missiles began exploding near the capital city of Kyiv. Russian troops marched across the border into Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s vicious onslaught against Ukraine had begun. 

He believed that he could easily bend the will and break the resolve of a free people. That he could roll into a sovereign nation, and the world would roll over. That he could shake the foundations of security in Europe and beyond. 

Two years later, we see even more vividly what we’ve known since day one: Putin miscalculated badly.

The brave people of Ukraine fight on, unbowed in their determination to defend their freedom and future. NATO is stronger, larger, and more united than ever. And the unprecedented 50-nation global coalition in support of Ukraine, led by the United States, remains committed to providing critical assistance to Ukraine and holding Russia accountable for its aggression.

The American people and people around the world understand that the stakes of this fight extend far beyond Ukraine. Ten years ago, Putin occupied Crimea, and created puppet regimes in Ukraine’s Luhansk and Donetsk regions.  Two years ago, he tried to wipe Ukraine off the map.  If Putin does not pay the price for his death and destruction, he will keep going. And the costs to the United States—along with our NATO Allies and partners in Europe and around the world—will rise.

Today, I am announcing more than 500 new sanctions against Russia for its ongoing war of conquest on Ukraine and for the death of Aleksey Navalny, who was a courageous anti-corruption activist and Putin’s fiercest opposition leader. These sanctions will target individuals connected to Navalny’s imprisonment as well as Russia’s financial sector, defense industrial base, procurement networks and sanctions evaders across multiple continents. They will ensure Putin pays an even steeper price for his aggression abroad and repression at home.

We are also imposing new export restrictions on nearly 100 entities for providing backdoor support for Russia’s war machine. We are taking action to further reduce Russia’s energy revenues. And I’ve directed my team to strengthen support for civil society, independent media, and those who fight for democracy around the world.

Two years into this war, the people of Ukraine continue to fight with tremendous courage. But they are running out of ammunition. Ukraine needs more supplies from the United States to hold the line against Russia’s relentless attacks, which are enabled by arms and ammunition from Iran and North Korea. That’s why the House of Representatives must pass the bipartisan national security supplemental bill, before it’s too late.

This bill provides urgent funding for Ukraine. It also invests in America’s own defense industrial base. It passed overwhelmingly in the Senate, and there is no question that, if the Speaker called a vote, it would pass quickly in the House. Congress knows that by supporting this bill, we can strengthen security in Europe, strengthen our security at home, and stand up to Putin. Opposing this bill only plays into his hands.

History is watching. The failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will not be forgotten. Now is the time for us to stand strong with Ukraine and stand united with our Allies and partners. Now is the time to prove that the United States stands up for freedom and bows down to no one.

White 02/23/2024.


Pressuring the Speaker of the House Ahead of Their Meeting on Tuesday Tweets

From Saturday…

Remarks by President Biden at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting; the YouTube is 42 minutes and 26 seconds long. President Biden’s remarks start at the 23 minute and 7 second mark.

But let me be clear: The House of Representatives must pass the bipartisan national security bill.  The bill provides urgent funding for Ukraine.  And it passed overwhelmingly in the Senate.

And there’s no question — none — none — if the Speaker called a vote in the House, it would pass easily today.  Instead, they went on vacation.  I mean, it’s just — any- — well — (laughter).

Look, folks, all kidding aside, history is watching.  The clock is ticking.  Brave Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are dying.  Russia — Russia is taking Ukrainian territory for the first in many months.  But here in America, the Speaker gave the House a two-week vacation. 

White 02/23/2024.

From Sunday…

Look, it’s the strongest border deal our country has ever seen.  It also includes the most fair and humane reforms for legal immigration in a long time.

Let’s get it done. 

White 02/23/2024.

But something changed.  Over time, our laws and our resources haven’t kept up with our immigration system and it’s broken.  And our politics has failed to fix it.


Folks, doing nothing is not an option.  Compromise is part of the process.

White 02/23/2024.

From Monday…

That’s why, months ago, I instructed my team to begin a series of negotiations in a bipartisan group of senators, Democrats and — led by a very conservative Republican, who did a hell of a job, to fix our immigration system.

White 02/23/2024.

Back to the Moon Tweet

From Saturday…

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Successful Landing of the Odysseus Lunar Craft:

On Thursday night, for the first time in over 50 years, an American spacecraft landed on the Moon – a thrilling step forward in a new era of space exploration.
The robotic lunar lander, named Odysseus, launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on February 15. On Thursday, it sent images from the Moon as it circled in low orbit, before touching down near the South Pole.
This mission marks a milestone: the first Moon landing by an American company. Odysseus is a public-private partnership between NASA and the American company Intuitive Machines. It was made possible by American ingenuity, innovation, and curiosity. And, through NASA’s Artemis program, it’s the first of more public- and private-sector space missions to come, bringing together our international and commercial partners to return humans to the Moon for the first time in decades. America is leading the world back to the Moon.
In 1962, when America’s first Moon landing was still years away, President Kennedy spoke to a group of students about why the United States sets such bold missions for ourselves. “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things,” he said, “not because they are easy but because they are hard.” And he continued, “That challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one that we are unwilling to postpone, and one that we intend to win.”
What was true then is true now. America does hard things. We rise to the great scientific challenges of our time. And there’s nothing beyond our capacity when we work together.
I congratulate the Intuitive Machines team who successfully landed Odysseus, as well as their partners at NASA who are shaping the future of human space exploration. 

White 02/24/2024.

Remembrance Tweet

From Saturday…

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Loss of Two National Guardsmen:

Jill and I mourn the loss of two Mississippi National Guardsmen, whose aircraft crashed during a routine training mission near Booneville, Mississippi yesterday. 
Our prayers are with their families, units, and the entire Mississippi National Guard at this incredibly difficult time. These two Guardsmen embodied the very best of our nation—bound by honor, and committed to service. We will continue to keep our solemn promise to care for their families, just as they were faithful to our nation.
I am grateful to the local law enforcement and first responders, who quickly supported recovery efforts after this tragic accident. As the Department of Defense and National Guard continue to assess what occurred, we stand ready to provide any assistance needed. 

White 02/24/2024.

Reproductive Rights Tweet

From Sunday…


SAVE Plan Tweet

From Monday…

The video clip is 24 seconds long.

Remarks by President Biden on the Saving on a Valuable Education Plan | Culver City, CA; the YouTube is 16 minutes and 49 seconds long.

Starting today, we are canceling student debt for borrowers who are enrolled in the SAVE Plan and have been paying student loans for as little as 10 years.  If they took less than tw- — if they borrowed less than $2,000, it’s forgiven — they — $12,000, excuse me, it’s for- — the loan is forgiven.

This action will be a huge help to graduates of community college and borrowers with smaller loans, putting them back on track faster for debt forgiveness than ever before


I’m proud to have been able to give borrowers, like so many of you, the relief you earned.  I promise you I’m never going to stop fighting for hardworking American families

White 02/21/2024.

“New” from the White House…



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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.