Biden Bits: “Don’t You Think?”…

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday…

President Biden’s public schedule for 02/19/2024:

7:00 AMSupplemental Pool Call Time
Joint Base Andrews Overhang
8:00 AMOut-of-Town Pool Call Time
Out-of-Town Pool
9:00 AM
Presidential Daily Brief
The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
Closed Press
9:15 AMIn-Town Pool Call Time
In-Town Pool
9:30 AM
Left Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
The President and The First Lady depart Rehoboth Beach, Delaware en route to the White House
Out-of-Town Pool
10:40 AM
Arrived at the White House
The President and The First Lady arrive at the White House
South Lawn Open Press

Aleksey Navalny Tweets

From Friday…

Remarks by President Biden on the Reported Death of Aleksey Navalny; the YouTube is 10 minutes and 17 seconds long.

You know, I send my deepest condolences to Aleksey’s staff and supporters who are going to continue his work despite this loss, despite all of Putin’s desperate attempts to stamp out the opposition. 

And most of all, to his family, especially to his wife, his daughter, and his son, who have already sacrificed so much for their family and a shared dream for a better future for Russia. 

So, I just want to say God bless Aleksey Navalny.  His courage will not be forgotten.  And I’m sure it will not be the only courage we see coming out of Russia in the near term. 

White 02/16/2024.

The video clip is 1 minute and 13 seconds long.

You know, like millions of people around the world, I am literally both not surprised and outraged by the news — the reported death of Aleksey Navalny.


And as people across Russia and around the world are mourning Navalny today because he was so many things that Putin was not: He was brave.  He was principled.  He was dedicated to building a Russia where the rule of law existed and of — where it applied to everybody.  Navalny believed in that Russia — that Russia.  He knew it was a cause worth fighting for and, obviously, even dying for

This tragedy reminds us of the stakes of this moment.  We have to provide the funding so Ukraine can keep defending itself against Putin’s vicious onslaughts and war crimes

You know, there was a bipartisan Senate vote that passed overwhelmingly in the United States Senate to fund Ukraine

Now, as I’ve said before, and I mean this in the literal sense: History is watching.  History is watching the House of Representatives.  The failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will never be forgotten.  It’s going to go down in the pages of history.  It really is.  It’s consequential.

And the clock is ticking.  And this has to happen.  We have to help now.  You know, we have to realize what we’re dealing with with Putin. 

White 02/16/2024.

Reports of his death, if they’re true — and I have no reason to believe they’re not — Russian authorities are going to tell their own story.  But make no mistake — make no mistake, Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death.  Putin is responsible.  

White 02/16/2024.

From Saturday…

All of us should reject the dangerous statements made by the previous president that invited Russia to invade our NATO Allies if they weren’t paying up.  He said if an Ally did not pay their dues, he’d encourage Russia to, quote, “Do whatever the hell they want.” 

I — let me — I guess I should clear my mind here a little bit and not say what I’m really thinking. 

But let me be clear: This is an outrageous thing for a president to say.  I can’t fathom.  I can’t fathom.  From Truman on, they’re rolling over in their graves hearing this.

As long as I’m President, America stands by our sacred commitment to our NATO Allies as they have stood by their commitments to us repeatedly. 

Putin and the whole world should know: If any adversary were to attack us, our NATO Allies would back us.  And if Putin were to attack a NATO Ally, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory.  Now is the time for even greater unity among our NATO Allies to stand up to the threat that Putin’s Russia poses.

White 02/16/2024.

Twice Impeached 45 said on 02/10/2024…

Remarks by President Biden on Senate Passage of the Bipartisan Supplemental Agreement; the YouTube is 8 minutes and 27 seconds long.

This bipartisan bill sends a clear message to Ukrainians and to our partners and to our allies around the world: America can be trusted, America can be relied upon, and America stands up for freedom. We stand strong for our allies. We never bow down to anyone, and certainly not to Vladimir Putin. So, let’s get on with this.

White House.gov02/13/2024.

From Sunday…

The video clip is 26 seconds long.

Remarks by President Biden on the Reported Death of Aleksey Navalny; the YouTube is 10 minutes and 17 seconds long.

Reporter asks: Is there anything you can do to get ammunition to the Ukrainians without the supplemental from Congress?

President Biden says: No, but it’s about time they step up — don’t you think? — instead of going on a two-week vacation.  Two weeks they’re walking away.  Two weeks.  What are they thinking?  My God, this is bizarre. And it’s just reinforcing all the concern and — and almost — I won’t say “panic,” but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally.  This is outrageous

East Palestine, Ohio Tweets

From Friday…

Remarks by President Biden on Supporting the Community in East Palestine, Ohio | East Palestine, OH; the YouTube is 14 minutes and 30 seconds long.

You know, I — I want to thank the folks of East Palestine to know — I want them to understand that we’re not going home, no matter what, until this job is done.  And it’s not done yet.  There’s a lot more to do.  The vast majority has been done, but we’re going to stay until the very end, every need is met.

And I want to — we continue to hold Norfolk Southern accountable and make sure they make your community whole now and in the future.  And what they do not make whole, what they cannot make whole, what isn’t made — the government will make whole.  We have an obligation.  We have an obligation.

I can already see this derailment won’t define you.  It just — it defined you in a different way: your courage, the resilience of this community, and the compassion that you’ve shown for all your fellow citizens.

White 02/16/2024.

Like I said, your compassion and resilience of leadership of this community and the people of this community — the courage of your firefighters, law enforcement officers, first responders who run into danger to save others — they deserve the care and resources we owe them to be followed and their health needs followed as well.  Because that’s what we do. 

White 02/16/2024.

You know, multimillion-dollar railroad companies transporting toxic chemicals have responsibility to do it safely.  And, again, Norfolk Southern failed.


My administration ordered Norfolk Southern to clean up the mess it created and ensure it was done right.  That includes an executive order I signed to continue our priority to hold Norfolk Southern fully accountable for this disaster and any long-term effects that are able to be identified as time goes on — not just here but also in Darlington, Pennsylvania, where I just visited a few hours ago — an hour or so ago. 

White 02/16/2024.

From Monday…

The video clip is 1 minute and 29 seconds long.

President Biden:

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or an independent.  What matters is we’re all Americans — everyone, everyone.  We look out for one another.  We leave no one behind.  And we come back stronger than before.  That’s what you’re doing here.  That’s what’s happening right here in this community.  That’s what’s going on downtown, in your parks as well.  You’re now — your downtown is reopened and the parks are reopened.  Students were frustrated opposing schools wouldn’t travel here for sports events, but now you’re playing home games again, finally. 

White 02/16/2024.

 EPA Administrator Michael Regan (0:11): It’s been a year since the Norfolk Southern freight train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed. Releasing toxins into the environment and upending countless lives. For many, it’s been a year of fear, uncertainty and disarray.

East Palestine, Ohio Mayor Trent Conaway (0:28): Our village has faced many challenges, but as a community we have shown resilience. We will not be defined by this single event. Rather, our response to it and our perseverance.

President Biden (0:39):

All told, we’ve done in one year what would ty- — typically take many years, and we’re going to keep going


My administration ordered Norfolk Southern to clean up the mess it created and ensure it was done right.  That includes an executive order I signed to continue our priority to hold Norfolk Southern fully accountable for this disaster and any long-term effects that are able to be identified as time goes on — not just here but also in Darlington, Pennsylvania, where I just visited a few hours ago — an hour or so ago. Working with the state, we’ve tested the air, the water, the soil quality; deployed teams of health experts; provided emergency loans for local businesses.  But it’s not done yet.  There’s more to do.


You know, I — I want to thank the folks of East Palestine to know — I want them to understand that we’re not going home, no matter what, until this job is done.  And it’s not done yet.  There’s a lot more to do.  The vast majority has been done, but we’re going to stay until the very end, every need is met.

White 02/16/2024.

From the White House…




King of Jordan’s Visit Tweet

From Saturday…

The video clip is 19 seconds long.

Remarks by President Biden and His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan After a Meeting; the YouTube is 13 minutes and 48 seconds long.

We’re grateful for our partners and allies like the King who work with us every single day to advance security and stability across the region and beyond.  It’s difficult times like these when the bonds between nations are more important than ever

White 02/12/2024.

Economy Tweet

From Sunday…

Market Watch said on 02/16/2024: Consumer sentiment rises to 31-month high on slowing inflation and strong job market:

Consumer sentiment crept up in early February to a 31-month high, fueled by slowing inflation and a strong job market.

The first of two readings of the sentiment survey this month rose to 79.6 from 79.0 in January, the University of Michigan said Friday. That’s the highest reading since July 2021.

Americans are more confident inflation will continue to slow and that jobs will remain easy to find. A rising stock market has also buoyed confidence.

The consumer-sentiment survey reveals how Americans feel about their own finances as well as the broader economy.

Sentiment is still well below prepandemic levels of around 100, however.

Market 02/16/2024.

National and State Parks Tweet

From Monday…

The video clip is 1 minute and 18 seconds long. President Biden meets with 3 park rangers from Maryland. He thanks them for their service. The clip shares the following text to end the video:

The Maryland Park Service is dedicated to addressing the challenges that lie ahead. Their Scales and Tales Program is an environmental initiative designed to foster stewardship of wildlife and natural resources and educate about issues like habitat loss, climate change, resource management, and blodversity.

From Maryland Department of Natural Resources (

Scales and Tales Programs: Scales & Tales is an environmental education program that affords people the opportunity to see wildlife up close. The program uses non-releasable birds of prey and reptiles to encourage people to enjoy and appreciate Maryland State Parks, and the wildlife living in them.

The events are $100.00 for on site and $150.00 for off-site. The length of the events vary. Currently, out of an abundance of caution the Aviaries are closed to the public and all programs due to “the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza,” according to the link shared above.

“New” from the White House..




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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.