Biden Bits: “Unleash the Full Potential”…

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday…

President Biden’s public schedule for 05/24/2024:

10:00 AMThe President receives the President’s Daily Brief
10:45 AMOut-of-Town Pool Call Time Joint Base Andrews Overhang
11:40 AMThe President and The First Lady depart the White House en route to Fort Lesley J. McNair
12:00 PMThe President and The First Lady depart Fort Lesley J. McNair en route to Wilmington, Delaware
12:50 PMThe President and The First Lady arrive in Wilmington, Delaware

President Biden Hosts the President of Kenya Tweets

From Thursday…

From Friday…

From the White House…



  • The White House has not posted a transcript of the joint presser held by the two leaders; the YouTube is 30 minutes and 48 seconds long.


Also from the White House YouTube Channel…

Vice President Harris and Secretary Blinken Hosts a Luncheon in Honor of President Ruto; it says the event will start at 12:30 p.m. D.C., time, but since the other event is running late…

Republicans/4 Democrats/2 Independents Block Border Bill Tweet

From Thursday…

Show more =’s By blocking the bipartisan border agreement, they put partisan politics ahead of our country’s national security.   And while Congressional Republicans are choosing to stand in the way of border enforcement, I remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system.

Statement from President Joe Biden on Senate Vote on the Bipartisan Border Security Agreement:

Congressional Republicans do not care about securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system. If they did, they would have voted for the toughest border enforcement in history. Instead, today, they put partisan politics ahead of our country’s national security.
By blocking the bipartisan border agreement, Republicans in Congress said no to legislation that would hire more Border Patrol Agents, add more immigration judges and asylum officers to process cases in months and not years. They said no to new technology to detect and stop fentanyl from entering the United States, and no to resources to go after drug traffickers. They rejected an agreement that would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to temporarily shut down the border when the system is overwhelmed.
This agreement would have also expanded access to lawful immigration pathways proven to reduce irregular migration, expedited access to work authorization for those who are eligible, and ensured that unaccompanied children who arrive at the border have access to legal counsel. While it did not include everything I wanted, such as finally delivering a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, it would have been the largest reform of our immigration laws in decades.
So I want to be absolutely clear: while Congressional Republicans are choosing to stand in the way of border enforcement, I will not stop fighting to deliver the resources that border and immigration personnel need. If you believe, as I do, that we need reform now, doing nothing is not an option. We must make our border more secure and we must make sure the United States remains a beacon of hope and opportunity. Today and every day, I remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system.

Statement from President Joe Biden on Senate Vote on the Bipartisan Border Security Agreement. 05/23/2024.

Senate roll call shows that 7 people did not vote; 4 R’s and 3 D’s make up the 7.

Union Strong Tweet

From Thursday…

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Historic Union Contract in Georgia:

Congratulations to members of the United Steelworkers and to Blue Bird for proving once again that meeting our clean energy goals is an opportunity to create good-paying union jobs for American workers. Last year, I was excited to meet with Delushundra “Dee” Thomas, who helped organize these workers. Their new contract is a lifechanging agreement that includes raises, retirement and profit sharing for 1,500 Georgians.
When I think about climate, I think about jobs—good-paying, union jobs. My Investing in America agenda provided the grants that are helping put Georgians to work building these electric school buses. I’m grateful to Secretary Su for working alongside the United Steelworkers and Blue Bird in their collective bargaining process to make sure their contract creates good, union jobs and helps workers and the company thrive.
When we invest in American workers, we all win. Congratulations to the Steelworkers at Blue Bird, whose new contract will improve the lives of over 1,500 Georgians for years to come.

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Historic Union Contract in Georgia. 05/23/2024.

Voting Rights Tweet

From Thursday…

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Supreme Court Ruling in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of NAACP:

The right to vote is the foundation of American democracy.  Key to that right is ensuring that voters pick their elected officials — not the other way around. The Supreme Court’s decision today undermines the basic principle that voting practices should not discriminate on account of race and that is wrong. 
This decision threatens South Carolinians’ ability to have their voices heard at the ballot box, and the districting plan the Court upheld is part of a dangerous pattern of racial gerrymandering efforts from Republican elected officials to dilute the will of Black voters. Vice President Harris and I are ironclad in our commitment to protecting the sacred right to vote, and we will not stop fighting until Congress passes both the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore and strengthen the Voting Rights Act, and the Freedom to Vote Act to ensure fair Congressional maps for all Americans.

Statement from President Joe Biden on the Supreme Court Ruling in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of NAACP. 05/23/2024.

Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris on the Supreme Court Ruling in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP

The sacred right to vote is the fundamental freedom that unlocks all others. Today’s Supreme Court decision deprives Americans of that sacred freedom and further harms our democracy.
Let us be clear: Voters should choose their elected officials – not the other way around. Extremist elected officials’ attempt to dilute the rights of voters based on race is wrong.
South Carolinians and people across America deserve to have their voices heard and their votes counted. President Biden and I will continue fighting to protect Americans from discrimination at the ballot box, and we once again urge Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.

Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris on the Supreme Court Ruling in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP. 05/23/2024.

A note about the tweet with the Supreme Court opinion link: It was the most neutral one I found that contained a link. People are big twitter mad over the ruling. I haven’t read it yet.

Remembering Uvalde

From Friday…

Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris Two Years After the Uvalde Shooting

Two years ago, 19 beautiful children and two selfless teachers were killed in their classrooms during a senseless mass shooting carried out with a weapon of war. They should still be with us – playing sports, creating art, dancing, laughing, learning, teaching, and making new memories with their families and friends. Today, we are remembering their stories, standing with their loved ones, and thinking of their community.

In the months and years since these 21 Americans lost their lives and 17 others were injured, the families in Uvalde have powerfully channeled their anguish into advocacy – demanding action to change the unacceptable fact that gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in our nation. With their help, President Biden and I fought to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years. Working with gun safety advocates in Uvalde and across the country, we have also taken more action to reduce gun violence than any other Administration in history. This includes closing the gun show loophole, investing in student mental health, launching the first-ever red flag law resource center, and establishing the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

While we have made necessary progress together, there is more work to be done to ensure that every person in our nation has the freedom to live safe from the horror of gun violence. Congress and state legislators throughout America must have the courage to act by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, passing red flag laws, and making background checks universal. These commonsense solutions will save lives and ensure that fewer children, families, and communities experience the unimaginable trauma and pain that Uvalde has suffered during these last two years.

Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris Two Years After the Uvalde Shooting. 05/24/2024.

PACT Act Tweets

From Friday…

Remarks by President Biden on the PACT Act | Nashua, NH; the YouTube is 17 minutes and 41 seconds long.

It matters, because too many service members have not only braved the battlefields, but they also — while breathing in toxic fumes and burn — from burn pits and other means.  You know, pits as big as a football field — 100 yards long, 10 feet deep — that incinerate all the wastes of war, everything from tires to chemicals and jet fuel and so much more — so much more.  Smoke thick with poison spreading through the air, into the lungs of many thousands of troops who lived and worked near them — in one of those burn pits. 

Remarks by President Biden on the PACT Act | Nashua, NH. 05/21/2024.

For families who have lost a loved one, the PACT Act means monthly stipends of about $3,000 a month for a surviving spouse with two — with two children.  And, by the way, the surviving spouse gets those benefits for the rest of their lives.  It means tuition benefits for children to go to college, to get job training. 

I’ll never make up for the lost — you lost a piece of your soul: a husband, wife, son, daughter.  But we owe it to folks, all of th- — everyone — everyone we can to help put their lives back together, because it’s tough stuff. 

Remarks by President Biden on the PACT Act | Nashua, NH. 05/21/2024.

“New” from the White House…



  • A Proclamation on Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2024; NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Memorial Day, May 27, 2024, as a day of prayer for permanent peace, and I designate the hour beginning in each locality at 11:00 a.m. of that day as a time when people might unite in prayer and reflection.  I urge the press, radio, television, and all other information media to cooperate in this observance.  I further ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day. I request the Governors of the United States and its Commonwealths and Territories, and the appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff until noon on this Memorial Day on all buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout the United States and in all areas under its jurisdiction and control.  I encourage families, friends, and neighbors to post tributes to our fallen service members through the Veterans Legacy Memorial at so that we may learn more about the lives and contributions of those buried in National, State, and Tribal veteran cemeteries.  I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period.

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2623 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.